Purchases not showing up in Product Library

Ever since the site update, my Product Library list is not being updated.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Just purchases from that weekend, or more recent purchases also?

  • All purchases since then are not showing up. 

    I know i bought them because they show up in the invoice section and i know i have them because i am using them however i use the product library to help me find things and if they aint there, that's a problem

    Any one else having this problem? Anyone looking into fixing it?

  • All purchases since then are not showing up. 

    I know i bought them because they show up in the invoice section and i know i have them because i am using them however i use the product library to help me find things and if they aint there, that's a problem

    Any one else having this problem? Anyone looking into fixing it?

    Have you reported it? There was a problem like this around the chnage-over, and the order in which things are added has been odd, but all new items failing to be added is not a common issue so you will need to tell support so that it can be investigated.

  • I know i bought them because they show up in the invoice section and i know i have them because i am using them however i use the product library to help me find things and if they aint there, that's a problem

    Have you tried using the search box at the top of the product list? I've bought a few things in the last couple of weeks, and they've been getting shotgunned all over what used to be a perfect ordered-by-purchase list — the first time, I thought my new item hadn't appeared at all, then I found it halfway down the first page.

    I really hope this gets fixed eventually, because it's getting on my nerves; I use the Product Library page regularly as well.

  • My new purchases since updating don't show up, and some fail to download at all. I've tried searching and refreshing.

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