Moving my library to a new (bigger) drive and I need a little help

Hello all!


So I filled up a drive and bought a 2 tb ssd for my daz library. Now my question is, how do I transfer all the stuff I already have downloaded onto the new drive? Is there a way to do this, or do I need to delete everything and start redownloading it all onto the new hard drive? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Is this going to be an extra drive with a different drive letter, or replacement for the current drive with the same drive letter?

  • Extra Drive. D drive. And I want to move the daz progam to the new drive as well.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Do you have the DIM zips saved?

    If you have custom categories/tags/metadata, make sure you export user data before you start uninstalling and moving things.

    You'll want to uninstall DS and any plugins and reinstall them to the new drive. 

    Do you have a setup where your first content folder is for stuff you create or install manually, and the second one is where DIM installs things?  I find that setup the easiest, so that the second content folder can be recreated from the original DIM zips, and anything that was created beyond that will be in the first content folder

    Your first content folder can be moved to the new drive -- I would copy it to the new drive, then launch DS and change the paths in Content Directory Manager, then close DS and delete the folder from the old drive.

    The one tricky part in DIM is that its manifests show the products installed in the old location.  There are a couple of things you can do about it:

    1 - if you kept the zips, you can just reinstall everything to the new second location instead of copying the second content folder from the old location.

    2 - if you didn't you can trick DIM into thinking everything was installed to the new drive by editing the manifest files.  The you can copy over the second content folder, and DIM will think everything was always there.

    3 - if you don't want to mess with the manifests, and don't think you'll be uninstalling a lot of stuff, you can set DIM to install updates to the new location.  I haven't tried that, but I think that will install updates to the new location correctly.


  • So I installed Daz through daz central on my new drive but whenever I try to install the content through daz central it keeps stopping. It will download maybe ten percent of a product, then just stop for no reason. And I have to click install again. At this rate it will take me roughly a decade to install all my content. Is there anyway to get DIM to install content to a different hard drive? Or mabe daz central work. I thought daz central was newer? Shouldn't it be more reliable than the old software?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Daz Central is just a simplified front-end -- the engine behind it is DIM.  You can queue up everything in DIM, then resume any downloads that failed,  You can change the paths DIM uses in Basic Settings.

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