Import basic genesis but, skin is not colored
Posts: 4
Hi ! i explain my situation,i wanted to render my DAZ models but i have a amd graphic card wich cannot render on DAZ , so i installed blender and the AMD addon on it "Randeon pro render" for rendering with my graphic card instead of my cpu , in blender i go in the render engine tab change "Cycles" to "Randeon engine", wokds well, and then when i make a render,
everything is colored exept the skin color, im searching since a couples of hours for resolving the problem but can't find anything,
How can i resolve this problem please ?
Thanks you for your time and take care !
424 x 475 - 89K
Do the skin materials render correctly in Cycles/OpenCL?
Im i bit new to blender, but when i go to the shading tab and select the my face skin object (second screen) the color appear, why it does that and how to fix this ?
Thanks for your helps again and take care
In Cycles yes its perfect :(
(sorry for the second post) but i cant use my gpu with those settings
If you import with diffeo you can use the principled option for materials that should work fair enough with prorender since prorender is compatible with the principled shader. Anyway you don't need prorender since both cycles and eevee work fine with amd gpus, and diffeo is much better with cycles and eevee than prorender.