Smile Delight or Equivalent for Gen 8 Male and Female

Incredibly necessary.  The expression moprhs do not look very realistic in Gen 8.  The smiles suffer specifically.  A larger variety of expressions with attention to how the face would really change would be most welcome.



  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    More morphs for the face in general and especially around the mouth would be very useful for getting realistic expressions. Look at any anatomy image showing muscles of the face and you realise how complex expressions can be. Our brains are trained from birth to recognise the most subtle movements of the face, especially around the mouth and eyes. Whilst G8 characters don't have a particularly high number of polygons for the face in Base form (compared to earlier characters like V4), there is the opportunity to use subdivision to increase this dramatically. However, access to this technology for making HD morphs is limited to DAZ3d approved vendors. The onus is therefore on DAZ3d to make more HD facial morphs itself or to encourage its PAs to do so.

    As drakkendark said "A larger variety of expressions with attention to how the face would really change would be most welcome."

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