Valentino 8 slowly installing during render

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

I just bought Holt and Valentino and Holt installed but I noticed Valentino was grayed out and would not let me open it.

But I added the Holt eyes to my figure and now it is installing Valentino during the render.

Why didn't this just install during the DIM install?

Valentino 8.jpg
721 x 871 - 206K
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  • That is just showing events, since Valentino is slow it is carrying on. As long as it is installing correctly (if it's really slow that may indicate it isn't) then that isn't a problem, the download and isntall is not going to use the same resourcs as rendering.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited November 2020

    Thank you Richard, that makes sense. What do I do when I have grayed out items that won't open?

    I see I guess i just double click on them.

    Valentino has an "update" button I have never seen that before.

    He is working now, great! Thanks again for the help Richard!

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • If an item is greyed out when you've installed it trhough DIM it may be that PostgreSQL was closed when you installed - that can happen if you close DS and immediately open DIM (or, I assume, Daz Central). There's no need to close DS to use the installers (except with the application itself and plug-ins), but if you do make sure that the one has fully closed before starting the other; for now, I would reisntall the product through DIM - otherwise you will end up with two sets of files if you double-click to install through DS.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited November 2020

    Hey Richard, thanks for your help, is there a folder or master list with items that have been installed errantly by double clicking on them?

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • I think there's a way to show the items that have been installed through Connect, but I can't recall the syntax. DIM can show them, it's one of the filtersinstalled in the Default Filters package which can be accessed via the magnifier icon next to the filter box.

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