Legion of Superheroes and Other Super Stuff

RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
edited January 2021 in Art Studio

So I saw a series of drawings online that depicted characters from Archie Comics as members of the Legion of Superheroes.  I thought it was pretty cool and decided to try it myself, since I already had 3D versions of Archie characters and had already begun collecting Kitbash outfits from Mighty Mite. Here we have Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad...the first pic created.  I'll be presenting the members in the relative order that they were introduced.


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  • Lightning Lad AKA Livewire/Garth Ranzz of Winath, as portrayed by Archibald (Archie) Andrews. He has the ability to generate and control electricity.

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  • Cosmic Boy/Rokk Krinn of Braal, as portrayed by Reginald (Reggie)Mantel. His ability is the generation and manipulation of magnetic fields.

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  • Saturn Girl/Imra Ardeen of Saturn’s Moon, Titan, as portrayed by Elizabeth (Betty) Cooper. She is reputed to be the strongest Telepath in a whole race of them.

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  • Duo Damsel, previously Triplicate Girl AKA Triad (before one of her bodies was killed)/Luornu Durgo of Cargg, as portrayed by Alexandra Cabot from Josie and the Pussycats. Ability to split into two bodies, each with separate personalities.

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  • Phantom Girl AKA Apparition AKA Phase/Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl, as portrayed by Veronica (Ronnie) Lodge. She has the power of intangibility.

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  • Superboy/Kal-El of Krypton AKA Clark Kent of Earth, as portrayed by Josie’s first boyfriend, Albert (no last name given). His powers include: invulnerability, super strength, super speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision...

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  • Superboy/Kon-El of Earth AKA Conner Kent. He is a clone with DNA mixed from Superman and Lex Luthor. In one reboot of the Legion, he was accidentally transported to the future, where he spent some time with the Legion, much to the consternation of Cosmic Boy, who hero worshipped Superman and this Superboy wasn’t living up to that legend. His power is tactile telekinesis, which he uses to mimic the powers of Superman.

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  • Chameleon Boy AKA Chameleon/Reep Daggle of Durla, as portrayed by Clyde Didit from Josie. He, like all his race, is a shapeshifter. He can look like anyone or anything, animate or inanimate...even something totally from his imagination.

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  • More to come...

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,163

    quite good

  • Thanks

  • Colossal Boy AKA Leviathan/Gim Allon of Earth, as portrayed by Marmaduke (Moose) Mason. He has the ability to grow to gigantic size. In one incarnation of the Legion, he came from a race of giants and the ability to shrink to a height of six feet. He wanted to be called Micro Lad, but the others insisted on Colossal Boy.

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  • Invisible Kid/Lyle Norg of Earth, as played by Woodrow (Bingo) Wilkin, the protagonist in ‘That Wilkin Boy.’ He also happens to be Jughead Jones’ cousin. He invented a serum that allows him to turn himself, or any part thereof, invisible. He can also turn others invisible, but that takes a lot out of him. He’s probably only second to Brainy in the Legion Smart category.

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  • Star Boy/Thom Kallor of Xanthu, as portrayed by my (much) younger avatar, RobbyBobby. I know, I was never in Archie Comics and certainly not in the Legion, but, hey, who doesn’t want to wear spandex and boots? Anyway, he has the ability to increase the mass of an object/person by transferring it from the stars.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Brainiac 5 AKA B5 AKA Brainiac 5.1/Querl Dox of Colu, as portrayed by Dilton Doiley. He has 12th level intelligence...Koko is played by the 3D Universe monkey.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Supergirl/Kara Zor-El of Krypton AKA Linda Lee Danvers, as portrayed by Samantha Smythe, Bingo Wilkin’s girlfriend. Kara has the same Kryptonian based powers as her cousin, Kal-El.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Andromeda/Laurel Gand of Daxam. She has the same basic powers of a Kryptonian, due to both planets being of similar size and both having a red sun. In some of the reboots, she replaced Supergirl as a member. In those stories, Laurel is the descendant of Lar Gand, who, in the Twentieth Century was a hero called Valor...and who also happened to be Mon-El. She is one of my more recently created characters and is not portrayed by any Archie characters...I ran out of them.

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  • Sun Boy AKA Inferno/Dirk Morgna of Earth, as portrayed by Jason Blossom. He has the ability to generate intense heat and light.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Shrinking Violet AKA Atom Girl AKA Leviathan/Salu Digby of Imsk, as portrayed by Midge Klump. She has the ability to shrink to microscopic size. In one reboot, she inherited the ability to also grow to gigantic size, when the original Leviathan died. Then there was the time she got possessed by the Emerald Eye of Ekron and became the new Emerald Empress...but she got better.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Bouncing Boy/Chuck Taine of Earth. I just created him the other day, so he’s not based on any Archie character. He accidentally drank a scientist’s potion, thinking it was soda. It gave him the ability to inflate his body like a beach ball and, well, bounce... while he’s bouncing, he’s somewhat impervious to harm.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Ultra Boy/Jo Nah of Rimbor, as portrayed by Alexander Cabot III. He has the same basic powers as Superboy and Mon-El, with three basic differences. He can only use one power at a time, he doesn’t have a weakness to Kryptonite or Lead and his penetra-vision can actually see through Lead.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Mon-El AKA Valor/Lar Gand of Daxam, as portrayed by Josie’s boyfriend, Alan Mayberry. He was born in the 20th Century, met Superboy’s father, Jor-El, on Krypton and was semi adopted by Superboy’s adoptive parents on Earth. In another reboot, he never met Superboy, but started a Superhero career as Valor after meeting Superman. In both story lines, he succumbed to lead poisoning and ended up spending 1,000 years in the Phantom Zone. He has the same basic powers as Superman.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Matter-Eater Lad/Tenzil Kem of Bismoll, as portrayed by Forsythe Pendleton (Jughead) Jones III. He can literally eat anything, animal, vegetable or mineral.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Element Lad AKA Alchemist/Jan Arrah of Trom, as portrayed by Kevin Keller. He has the power of elemental transmutation. He can literally turn lead into gold...or anything else for that matter.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Dream Girl AKA Dreamer/Nura Nal of Naltor, as portrayed by Melody Valentine from the Pussycats. She is a precognitive that literally dreams the future...think super narcolepsy.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Lightning Lass AKA Spark AKA Livewire/Ayla Ranzz of Winath, as portrayed by by Josie McCoy of the Pussycats. She is Lightning Lad’s twin sister and she has the same electrical powers as her brother. She impersonated and replaced him in the Legion after he sort of died...but he got better.

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  • RobbyBobbyRobbyBobby Posts: 325
    edited December 2020

    Light Lass AKA Gossamer/Ayla Ranzz of Winath, still portrayed by Josie McCoy. So, after her brother, Garth, sort of came back from the dead, an obscure Legion Rule came into play that stated you couldn’t have two people with the same power arsenal. It’s funny that it didn’t seem to apply to Superboy, Supergirl, Mon-El or Ultra Boy (not to mention that Star Boy had the same powers for a while). Anyway, along came Dream Girl, who used her “Naltorian Super Science” to change her ability to now being able to make things Super Light...never mind that Nura comes from a magic based world. Hey, back in the sixties the plot twists didn’t have to make sense.

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  • dakinidakini Posts: 142

    These characters are fun! But your posts starting with Shrinking Violet don't have pictures attached. Were you planning on adding them later?

  • The pictures were there when I posted them.  Don't know what happened...

  • Ferro Lad/Andrew Nolan of Earth as portrayed by...who knows? Under that mask he could be anyone. Along with his twin brother, Douglas, he is a mutant born with the ability to turn his body into organic iron, giving them enhanced strength and limited invulnerability. It also gave them such a disfigured face that they keep it hidden under the mask. Their mother abandoned them as children.

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