Mac Retina Support

ianstudioianstudio Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hello, any hope of seeing Retina-support ? I just got myself an Asus 4k screen (love it)..

And of course the fonts in the Carrara interface look horrendous :0(

Thanks !


  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited December 1969


    Even a lot of Mac specific applications are giving Retina a pass for now.

    Find the application for Carrara, not any shortcuts you might have for it - and hit command-i on it. Under the options way down at the bottom is one to run it in low-resolution. Check that. Everything will look normal again.
    - I find I have to do that for about half the applications on my Mac. Pretty much anything not from Apple themselves...

    'Retina' is a gimmick anyway - My 2880 wide screen, is actually a 5760 pixel screen, the replicates pixels - that's what Retina is really selling you.

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