Hurrah - Navigation Lights On Vehicles!

XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
edited August 2014 in The Commons

Yay for Kibarreto taking note of reality and placing navigation lights on their new Pocket Star! :D

I see an awful lot of air/space vehicles where the modellers completely forget to put a red light on one side, green on the other and so forth, but it can't be emphasised how, in real-life, the layout of these is an incredibly vital piece of safety equipment.

If any other modellers are in the process of making craft for air or space use, here are some useful references you might want to draw upon:

The standard for water-based craft (boats, ships and so forth) is slightly different and it's better to get the relevant references for those, but I honestly can't see the basic legal rules for navigation lights changing for a very long time (if even at all).

Also good to see the Pocket Star is introducing moveable turrets for guns, too, which should be common practice for futuristic models meant to be operating in space. :) Probably more useful if placed on the bottom, to allow for engagement of ground targets, but no less refreshing to see the inclusion of (similar credit to Nightshift for often including these, too).

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