Moogoo's Art Studio

Pretty much my first renders shown publicly any feedback would be good, don't hold back. Also i am in two minds over the vellus hair in the black and white ones, any strong thoughts?
(Edited to make this my art studio and deleted 2 colour renders).
model Jessilyn

961 x 1555 - 619K

961 x 1555 - 917K
Post edited by Moogoo on
I really like the black & white ones. Like a lot. Well done. Without any context, it is hard to say why you chose the expression on her face and what was its significance meant to be, but the scene is quite well lit and sort of emanates character and story.
I am not sure what was the purpose of the render with the shiny light blue hair. If it is supposed to tell a story at all, its meaning eludes me. Nevertheless, together with the last render, it could use better lighting, resulting in some shadows. I would also recommend depth of field.
There seems to be some depth of field on the last render. I wouldn't hesitate to increase it and add some lighting, because the figures seem sort of artifical there, they do not seem to have any connection with the scenery. Shadows and lighting can do wonders here.
I love this set for lighting and I tend to use the lights indoors too, as they look fantastic and natural. Just wait for a sale:
Thanks for the feedback i hear what you are saying with your comments and they have given me a lot to think about.
Your comments have inadvertently shown which order they were made in which is a good sign. I feel i am just getting out of the pretty face is enough phase as you picked up with the colour ones literally no thought went into any sort of story. Would you add anything to this list of considerations, character creation, emotion, story and lighting mainly for a portrait as that is all i am really interested in?
also side note your gallery link when i go there it just says coming soon is that a bug on my end or are you just preempting it?
I am afraid the user galleries have been down for like a month and we are still waiting for Daz to make them work again after the website upgrade.
One more advice on portraits would be: don't overcomplicate things. Apart from not frying your rig by the rendering process, allow the eye of the beholder to find some main eye-catching point on the portrait. The eyes, a prop, the boob-window of the outfit, whatever you fancy. The rest is just fluff around the main thing. You did exactly that on your black & white potrait. Don't allow the focus of the beholder to be scattered and fragmented, drowning in a flood of colours without anything standing out to hold on to. Unless there is a clear purpose for exactly that, of course.
I am no professional artist, merely a hobbyist, who started but a year ago, mind you. There are much better artists all around here who could help you much more than I ever could.
I too like the b/w ones, very nice! I wouldn't have noticed the vellus hair. I wonder if it adds all that much but it didn't bother me.
The middle one has a funky pop-art colour palette but there is not much else going on here. It's also a little odd to take a character with (presumably) two horns and then cover one of them with hair; and the fit of her top and choker look wonky.
The one on the right has potential because it hints at some kind of story but it also needs the most work. The lighting, composition, and colour scheme are all pretty flat. The guy's facial expression could use some refining and his pose is very stiff. Her expression is vacant and it's not clear why she's looking into the camera. And her ear rings are defying gravity. I like a good femme fatale, though, so keep at it!
Hope some of that was helpful!
Funny you say that about the last one originally she was turned further back and pointing to the camera, kinda like she had been caught in the act and saying keep your mouth shut or your next sort of thing. But half way through the render i realized her body looked squat or dwarf like(no idea why the shadow or the Poston or my imagination not sure), so i quickly changed it and rerendered and obviously lost a lot in doing it so quickly and made the earrings magically float.
Yes definitely helpful thank you
I was looking over your art studio page to get some ideas unfortunately a lot of pictures are missing (guessing because of the gallery being down) but the horseshoe one is a lot of fun and made me smile and the grundgy one certainly brings me back to the 90's hehe.
Workingon this composition at the moment doing one more render to try and make it less grainy having a hard time with the soft lighting.
I guess i am doing black and white for now.
Picture of Fredda.
The rendering was a tiny bit short and i messed the table cloth up which i might go back and fix in the future but for now i think it looks good.
On the Jessilyn base shape I combined the skins of Jessilyn and Gwendolyn with some modefication the result is attached i think it came out really well.
Ammy hair zero shape, Hersillia brows, skin builder moles and freckles and just lit with ring light no makeup.
Surprised Daz sell these Daz Original too, 38 cents i wont say no.
An excuse to play with the dforce magnet.