Install Manager Issue.
I'm having trouble using Install Manager and I'm trying prior to contacting support. Install Manager working fine several months ago when I last used it.
Install Manager will not login into my DAZ account. I have un-installed and re-installed Install Manager however the same account information was retained after re-install as before. That same ID & password I use to login in to the Daz web sight, so I know it's correct.
I'm trying to remember as I was having a similar issue when I first installed Daz and the DIM just a few months ago. I believe I had to manually log into the DIM a few times (enter name and pass, save the login info, close, reopen, backspace and reenter the login info, etc.) before it finally took and logged me in. Haven't had a problem since.
If you haven't used DIM for a while there have been several updates, and the log-in will work only with the current version. It may be, if you started DIM and then went away from the system, that you missed the UAC prompt asking if you wanted to allow the update - in which case it would have timed out. If that sounds applicable try ctrl-clicking the account name once you have it started in off-line mode to force a refresh.
I'll go try ctrl-clicking the account name.
I'm still unable login with DIM. I was using DIM I just manually upgraded to with the same results. Think I may have a password issue I changed the password on the DAZ web sight re-logged into the web sight easily with the new password however DIM still does not let me login. However in off-line mode I see DIM knows I just bought Carrara 8.5 but I cannot instal it or my other new products I just bought.
I only have 1 account set in DIM. ctrl-clicking did not seem to help.
I'm using Windows 7 64bit
I willing to try any if you have a suggestion.
Is DIM set to store your password? If not it sould just send the details (email and password) that you enter in the log-in box to DAZ, so if they are correct it should log-in and if not not.
Are you sure your using the same username and password you are using on the forums/store?
I do not have remember me checked. I copy/paste the password each time, until I get it working anyway. The account name (Email) is in a drop down.
Don't use the dropdown until you can get the DIM to log in. I believe that's one of the things I had to do.
If I remember correctly,
I set up my account -> would not log in
tried a few times -> would not log in
manually entered username and pass (ignored dropdown) -> I think it took a few tries
Are you sure the email is correct? The only checking DIM does is when it tries to use the details to log in to the site. if the email is wrong, simply create a new identity in DIM with the corrected email.
At first DIM had, account (email); which worked several months ago when I installed Studio, Bryce, Hexagon, & misc content.
Last week I purchase more & tried to use DIM with account (email); had trouble & tried a few times. Today I reset my password on the web site to no avail. I saw my forum name is ckabol here which is an alias I use when kabol is not available. So I added ckabol (email); to no avail. I just up-load some old XSI images to validate my account access & saw my images are listed under Kabol so I created the account, Kabol (email). The email is the same in all three accounts. I have tried all three accounts with the old & new password to no avail.
I just notice the account Kabol (email) is not retained by DIM. As soon as DIM fails Kabol (email) is deleted from DIM.
The email is correct. I do not type email or password I only copy/paste.
Kaotkbliss I cannot find anyway to enter an user account other than 'add user'. How did you do it?
As I said, it's been a long time since it saves and logs me in correctly I don't pay attention to it.
I think after the first few tries of it not logging on, and even though my email and pass was already in there clicked add new account and re-added it again until it worked.