Ultra Scenery Question (Solved)

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

Is there a way to set Ultra Scenery to start out with a smaller piece of land?

The reason why I ask is I have a 3090 graphics card with 24gb of video ram and most scenes will not assemble even with memory on without using the camera option.

The scenes are just too big with too many instances.

Using the camera option does not let you find the right place in the scene you would like to place your camera. Catch 22.

Daz does not let you drag and select multiple objects in the viewport so you end up deleting thousands of instances one by one. 

It is a pretty nearly unworkable scenario, the land is just too big. Cutting the land down to 1/4 the size would possible be helpful.

Any suggestions on how you make this work for you?

Post edited by RexRed on


  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    No way to decrease the land size at this time.  But I run RTX 2060 and have no trouble running US even without using the camera option.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    I've always been able to hold ctrl while clicking items to select multiple (even in the viewport) then hit the del key to delete multiple items at once. Not a solution, but better than deleting 1 at a time

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited December 2020

    Hey Kaotkbliss, you are right you can delete them with one key press but you have to select them with multiple key/mouse presses. And there are literally thousands of objects once you remove them from their instances. The objects in each group are scattered all around and not in one place.

    Daventaki I need to experiment more with it. Often when I have problems with products it is the way i am using them that is at fault.

    I just sometimes wish that the land was smaller. I also need to use my ingenuity with this product.

    I can create the land without many objects and then set the camera angle than recreate it and write down the settings and position of things. I just need to figure out the process so it will work.

    The camera option is the way to go because having thousands of objects that are out of the camera view is not expedient. 

    On the other hand when I remove trees from behind the camera sometimes it changes the ambiance of the forest or scene. The trees behind the camera create shadows between the HDRI sky.

    Being able to draw a square or marquis around multiple objects to select them is a very necessary function.

    So really it takes knowing the US product like a photographer would know a camera or like a musician would know their instrument or a designer would know their programs.

    I really need to put a fair amount of thought into the process I want to use the US program with.

    I think creating land and writing down the parameters, leaving things out like grass, leaves and stones would give me an idea of where I might want to set my scene camera before I re-create the whole scene.

    Using the camera setting is very useful if you want to add a lot of other things to the scene.

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Ultrascenery isn't the problem.  People run it on cards with 6-8 Gb.  What are your other system specs?

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    Could I ask why you "remove the objects from their instances"? That will be the reason for you massive memory usage, I expect - too much mesh.

    I haven't tried it, but could you use masks on the various components in the build tab to restrict the scatters to a smaller part of the terrain - you could maybe restrict everything to a square in the back left or back right corner to have a quarter-sized scene?


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    One thing to try is set up a camera pointing down, raise it so a small area is in view, then use the 'limit to camera' option.

    I haven't tested it but I'm pretty sure the result should be a small patch of stuff.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,936
    edited December 2020

    Another question is, what render optimization are you using, is it 'Auto' or 'Speed' maybe? The render optimization should be set to 'Memory'. Then it fits in a 6Gb GTX1060 with room to spare. Should be a walk in the park for a 24Gb card. For the main system RAM I use 16Gb and that's not an issue either even with the extended forest. I think it's likely to be the render optimization setting



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited December 2020

    WOW Oso 3D what a brilliant suggestion! I am definitely going to try that trick with the camera.

    Hello Sevrin my other system specs are an I9 12 core 24 thread CPU, 96GB of ram, 160watt power supply, EVGA X299 FTW K motherboard.

    And yes MelanieL, once you remove objects from instances it slows things down to a crawl. I remove them from instances because I want to delete sometimes up to 90 % of them. You realize you need to take them from their instances when you have thousands of objects out of the camera view or you have a tree right in your way.

    But the process of deleting them takes hours...

    And yes RichardandTracy, I try to remember to always set the render optimization to "memory" before I generate the land mass.

    I am definitely going to use your suggestion Oso3D, what a great idea!  It would have taken me a long time for that idea to possibly occur to me!

    I am excited to try it out! 

    Thanks everyone for all the excellent help!

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    Okay, I just did a top down view with my camera and generated the land and it has done exactly what I needed, generated a smaller populated land piece much more manageable and a HUGE time saver when it comes to too many objects! 

    This is the way to go! It gives me a piece of land I can rotate and not worry about objects out of the periphery. And if I want to expand instances it is not thousands I am dealing with! Excellent excellent excellent!! I now consider this thread "solved" for my own needs! 

    Thanks again for taking the time to help with this question.


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    Well, Will (Oso3d)'s suggestion was a briliant piece of lateral thinking - I'm glad it worked for you. (I may try it myself)

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