Problem with Sidd Hair for Gen 8

When I apply Sidd Hair to a Gen 8 figure suddenly I cannot move body parts they are slow and it takes a lot of time to manipulate the parts.

If I delete the hair I can then move the body parts around freely again.

Why does Sidd hair cause Gen 8 figures to slow down?


  • Is it just posing (moving the whjole figure or other elements is OK)? What drawstyle is the Viewport set to use?

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited December 2020

    Thanks for the response Richard. When the hair is applied or turned on, I can barely move the figure or pose it in any Viewport.

    I found if I go into the product materials for the hair there is an option to turn off the hair and when I do that I can move and pose the figure again easily.

    When the hair is applied, I can move/pose any other object but the one it is applied to is slowed drastically.

    I also have a second computer I use when mine is busy and the same occurs with that one.

    Also, there is no way to use MeshGrabber on this hair or scalp nor can it be scaled or are any scaling morphs included it that I can find or that work so, it is hit or miss and that is a huge limitation.

    Some scalps, this hair gets embedded within the skull and that is a very undesirable affect.

    This happens with any figure the hair is applied to. The hair must be hidden or deleted to restore normal posing and movement to the figure. 

    This is not an issue of my graphics card being overloaded, I have a 3090 graphics card, and this happens only to the object the hair is applied to.

    All other objects and figures move and pose like normal.

    If I turn off all other objects in the scene the figure with Sidd Hair is still slowed to a crawl until the hair is either turned off or deleted. 

    I have also tried globally unlocking the figure to no avail.

    Just wondering why this is so.

    I used the "Stylish Shaved Hair" along with this hair to fix the hair embedded into the scalp issue.

    I have found no solution other than turning the Sidd Hair off or deleting it to un-slow the applied figures impaired movement and posing.

    Still the hair is worth owning... it is vibrant and beautiful, but it has some peculiarly major limitations and impediments.

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • Which preview mode are you using? Hmm, actually I have that hair and I just loaded it - by accident with a torus slected so it parented itself to that, and moving the torus became very sluggish; this was in plain Texture Shaded mode. It is dForce hair, so asking a fair bit from the system; I've tried adjusting the settings I thought might help and aside from comcpleting hiding the hair none really seemed to make much difference.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    Hey Richard, thanks for your response and for testing this out. Sidd Hair does seem like complex hair and that it would ask a lot of the system but other objects in the scene move fine so that is another oddity. 

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