"Over The Hill Country Lane" not rendering

XanathonXanathon Posts: 88

I bought the "Over The Hill Country Lane", but it does not render, i only get a blank screen in iRay, in viewport it works fine. The computer used cannot be the problem, Ryzen 7, 32 GB Ram and a RTX 3090. I tried multiple times, restarting everything and every time the same result. I let it render over night, 12 and a half hour and blank screen. Does anyone else have this problem? If I cancel the render DAZ Studio (latest official version) crashes.This product seems to be quite messed up.


Post edited by Chohole on


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,599

    I don't own it but have you left your viewport set to iray while rendeing in a new window?

    mind you I only have a 980ti but that is never a great idea, in fact I put my viewport to bounding frame before trying a render

  • It worked flawlessly that way for the last years and also with other renders in the last days. I never set the viewport to anything else than iRay before rendering so that cannot be a general problem.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited January 2021

    It shows OK in Texture Shaded (1660 Super) for me, but render progress is still on 0% after four minutes (2080Ti). Looking at Task manager/GPU Z and the Render History window I think it's working on preparing the scene for Iray (I don't have the string of details in the history window). Unfortunately that uses a single thread on the CPU, so multiple cores and your GPU are not yet going to help; all that matters is the raw speed of the CPU itself.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited January 2021

    OK I took a look and then inquired with the resident DS Expert *who also owned it* Richard. So I will let him help since he is far better with troubleshooting than I am heart

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • There are more reports on Facebook that it does not render.

  • XanathonXanathon Posts: 88
    edited January 2021

    Richard Haseltine said:

    It shows OK in Texture Shaded (1660 Super) for me, but render progress is still on 0% after four minutes (2080Ti). Looking at Task manager/GPU Z and the Render History window I think it's working on preparing the scene for Iray (I don't have the string of details in the history window). Unfortunately that uses a single thread on the CPU, so multiple cores and your GPU are not yet going to help; all that matters is the raw speed of the CPU itself.

    I let it run last night, and after 12 hours 23 minutes it still was at 0%. That definitely should not happen.


    Unfortunately that uses a single thread on the CPU, so multiple cores and your GPU are not yet going to help
    Yeah, DAZ Studio is unbelievable unoptimized. That should not happen in 2021.
    Post edited by Xanathon on
  • Try selecting the Outer Ground prop and in the Mesh resolution group in Parameters drop its Render SubD level to 3 (or maybe 4, I didn't test that). For me the scene then rendered quite quickly instead of hanging.

  • I exported the scene to C4D and converted it to Redshift. C4D does not even break a sweat handling it on my computer setup. I'll try the Subdivision change, however, thanks for the info.

  • The render SubD level was at 4, I changed it to 3, but still the same: does not render. One processor core is at 100%, the others are idling, GPU memory jumps between 2 and 6 GB, other than that the GPU is idling.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Xanathon said:

    I let it run last night, and after 12 hours 23 minutes it still was at 0%. That definitely should not happen.

    The 12 hours thing is irrelevant.  If it hasn't rendered anything after 2 minutes, adding 12 hours and 21 minutes isn't going to help.

  • XanathonXanathon Posts: 88
    edited January 2021

    Sevrin said:

    The 12 hours thing is irrelevant.  If it hasn't rendered anything after 2 minutes, adding 12 hours and 21 minutes isn't going to help.

    Other than you stating the obvious your comment does nothing to help. I mentioned the time because I started the render and then went to bed and still after all that time the viewport was empty. And it is far from irrelevant if there is something going on preparing shaders or the scene that takes some time. I guess that exactly here lies the problem, DAZ is stuck at shader compiling or something like that.

    Post edited by Xanathon on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited January 2021

    Xanathon said:

    The render SubD level was at 4, I changed it to 3, but still the same: does not render. One processor core is at 100%, the others are idling, GPU memory jumps between 2 and 6 GB, other than that the GPU is idling.

    If it was at 4 I think that was a different part - the Outer Ground loads at 5 for me (this was in the beta, not the current release build, for what that may be worth).

    Outer Ground SubD.jpg
    1415 x 1112 - 153K
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • XanathonXanathon Posts: 88
    edited January 2021

    Ah, I Sub-D'ed the wrong one. Yes, that did it, thanks again!

    Post edited by Xanathon on
  • Glad to hear it. I don't know why the process seemed to completely freeze with the higher value, though - I did notice that I was wrong above, it was actually using two threads not one so perhaps there is a degree of optimisation (maybe even a thread per mesh object being SubDed - Iray doesn't do SubD so DS has to process the geometry and send the result on).

  • I did a render last night... I was monitoring the v-cards and it took 20 minutes to move out of gray...
    but I always check cpu Ram not cycles... 
    the ram usage was going up (the cpu cycles are capped) 
    so I closed all programs but the system and daz ... and the ram still went up to 62.2 g out of 64 before rendering 
    If I hadn't closed all the other programs that were using cpu ram .. I would have hit the 64 and done nothing I think 
    more textures than would fit on the card but apparently if you turn off the cpu render option it will use your ram ... because it did render on the card ==titan x 12g 
    already broke the scene down to room, row 3, row 2, row 1, and teacher etc ... will render them separately and then stack in photoshop
    forgot to turn of the sun/sky but the outside of that the light was just the globes 
    but the characters mostly have fuzzy tails and apparently they use a lot of textures. 
    --- and the 7 cats are all genesis stuffed into g8 bodies with the g bodies turned off and the g8 head turned off
    but it rendered in two hours to 2000 because I keep forgetting to set that down to 1000.
    anyhow the problem file above could be maxxing out the cpu ram and then not able to go any further or give a message

    school room base 1.jpg
    4000 x 2000 - 1M
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