Help applying materials to a wearable set


I have found that with some clothing items there is an option to apply a material set to the entire outfit rather than applying them individually to each clothing item. I would like to be able to do that so that I can set set up my own material sets and apply them to the entire outfit without having to do it piece by piece. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Thanks in advance for any replies.



  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    That would be a hierarchical material preset. All items must be parented to (not just fit to) a base figure to save it that way. Get all the materials set the way you want, then select the base figure. Select Save As... Hierarchical Material Preset. You have to select a folder and filename first so be prepared, then you get a dialog for the Save options. Deselect the base figure (i.e., Genesis 8, or whatever) and anything not related to the outfit (like Hair) and make sure everything else you want is included. You don't have any choice about the material settings themselves, you would have to do that individually.

    Now, almost all of the Hierarchical material presets I have seen are dependent on the items being loaded onto a figure. This means that the outfit must be loaded onto the same base figure to be able to use the preset. If I make my own hierarchical material presets, I make a new group with all the items and then parent the items to the group, which is parented to the figure. I save the group as a wearable preset, and the hierachical material preset from the group, not the figure. You can later load the wearable preset onto nothing, and still apply the hierachical material preset without having to fit the wearable preset to a figure. It can come in handy.

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