Better room generator

TogireTogire Posts: 408
edited January 2021 in Product Suggestions

I already own some room generators for DS (like create a room by collective3D), but they are old tools that really lack flexibility. The most annoying is the impossibility to change the room size and/or the door/windows number and position.  If I create a room, I want full flexibility on it and be able to position the opening anywhere to fit the room furniture or the scene action (otherwise I use one of the zillion prexisting room/home/office/etc).

What I would like is a script to create one or several rooms of a given size and scripts to add any sized door or window to the walls.

I thought if it and there is a simple way to do that.

1/ create a wall with a script that is given a wall height and width. The wall is just a plane composed of many square patches of size roughly 5cm. The actual size is not very important and can be set in the script, but it should be roughly equivalent to the width of a door or window frame and not too small to reduce polygon number. Optionnally add a baseboard.

2/ get a door or windows from your library and position it where you want. Select the door and the wall and call a script. The script will get the door bounding box and create a surface with the patches of the wall (and baseboard) that are contained in this box to define the opening. The script makes this surface transparent. Thanks to the small size of the patches the transition between wall and opening will be in the door frame whatever the door position.

And you are done. Just add a couple of scripts to suppress surfaces and remove all openings (to reposition the door) or to merge patches once you have finished (to reduce the number of polygons), nice doors and windows, texture sets and you have a very useful product.

I have already used this approach (by defining manually surfaces) on a couple of renders and it works very well, but is rather tedious to do without scripts.

Probably the PAs can find better solutions than the one suggested. And improvments like adding a thickness to walls, exotic shapes for windows (eg round), etc, would be welcome.


Post edited by Togire on


  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    I have always found MICKs medieval room construction kit very easy to use :

    It works on a grid and you just add the blocks you need, in the manner you want. From small rooms to banquet halls, it works really well.

  • TogireTogire Posts: 408
    edited January 2021

    I have bought MICK during a sale a couple of weeks ago. I have not already experimented with it but it seems fantastic to create medieval rooms. Maybe this can be a good approach for modern constructions, but the tiling (around 2-3M) seems too large to really provide flexibility.

    Post edited by Togire on
  • TogireTogire Posts: 408

    Yes. Its features seem interesting, but is is a very very old asset (2007), and I have read somewhere that there where problems and it was no longer working with DS>4.11.

    But if you have a good experience with it, I can try to buy it.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    alainmerigot said:

    Yes. Its features seem interesting, but is is a very very old asset (2007), and I have read somewhere that there where problems and it was no longer working with DS>4.11.

    But if you have a good experience with it, I can try to buy it.

    It's from Maclean, he is around on the forums, maybe maclean can chip in. He actually updated very early products to newer ones. But not sure if he touched this kit.

  • There is an issue with Iray, due to the way the model is built, but it's fairly simple to work around.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Richard Haseltine said:

    There is an issue with Iray, due to the way the model is built, but it's fairly simple to work around.

    Maybe I'm just getting cranky in my old age, but having to use work arounds is irritating, especially when there are a lot of them to remember. If things worked properly in the first place, work arounds would be unnecessary.

    In the case you mention, Richard, I can imagine that the cause for the need of a work around is a technology change since 2007. However, that just supports the OP's request for an up to date version that works, period. 

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,300

    I built a Loft Apartment with it before Iray, didn't take much to update the Subscene to Iray - I think the biggest problem was changing the scale of the tiles for the brick walls. I certainly would appreciate a @maclean update but it wont stop me using it until that happens.

  • Actually I think it was the Exteriors set that had the Iray issue, rather than the interiors - it's been a while since I've had a chance to use it.

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