It's Raining Men 2020 Voting Thread -- Voting Closed!

Working on it!
Survey Link via Google Forms: Click here!
You will need to input your Daz 3d forum username in order to take the survey. Please only vote once. Once you've voted, post in the Discussion Thread that you've voted. The voting will be open for two weeks and close on January 24 at Daz midnight or GMT -7 hours.
Each entry has been given a random number below. Look through the thread, write down your favorties, and use those numbers to help make your choices on the survey. All entries shown are eligible for the main category. For additional voting, other categories are listed after the images in the last post.
Voting Thread:
1 The Case of the Missing Lady
11 Dad can sleep through ALMOST anything...
13 The king is dead, long live the king!
21 Coach Grandpa
22 A Trick of the Light

23 Lunch Break
24 Waiting
25 Yawn

26 "Hot Boys Season"

27 My Cabbages!

28 Adventure Awaits

29 Surviving the Storm

30 Just an Average Guy

31 Again… Red

32 A Man For All Seasons

33 Piggyback

34 Before the Wicked King

35 All right who is next

36 Accidental Dimension Hopper

37 Pay First

38 Coronation of the Second Son

39 Wait

40 Don't Mess With Texas

41 Prometheus Bound

42 Memories

43 Armand Yuji Portrait

44 King of the Hill

45 Toon Boy in Simple Room

46 Swapping Tales

47 Morning Routine

48 Ramirez the Battlemaster

49 "Lazy Mornings"

50 Godly

51 Welcome to the Enchanted Woods

52 Heroic Ventures

53 Tinker

54 Unnoticed Audience

55 Heat Miser's Acme Malfunction

56 Final Preparations

57 "A Very Very Merry Christmas"

58 Dudoir Photo

59 Tom and Huck in the Ghastly Cave

60 Morning Motivation...Soon as I've had my coffee!

61 Reaching Out

62 A Spoon Full Honey
63 Loss

64 Christmas Blues

65 Santa

66 Western Task Force - Operation Torch
67 Midnight Research and Blood Sacrifices

68 Jersey Boy

69 "Red wine alluring"

70 A Funny Joke

71 The Boss

72 Different Kind of Guardian Angel

73 "It's Raining Men"

74 Acceptance

75 Sportsman

76 "Fallen"

77 Old Comrades

78 The Meeting

79 Old Friends

80 Way to many

81 Sup

82 "Khalan"

83 Holy Moment

84 Wizard Sun Hall

85 Summer Party

86 Washed In with the Tide

87 Happy New Year, too.

88 The Duel

89 Shargad

90 Attempting Magic at the Egyptian Exhibit

91 The Telegram

92 Downtime

93 Morningstar

94 Water Creature

95 "Good Neighbors"

96 "Contemplation"

97 "Purple"

98 Trackers

99 The Monument

100 Daring Rescue

101 "Bang"

102 Two Whispers

103 Shargad Dandy

104 "Am I not a man?"

105 Cut it Out...You've got me doing it now!

106 Untitled Portrait

107 Pygmalion & Leucippus

108 Welcome You're Doom!

109 Fun in the Snow

110 ...and I Have a Bow and Arrow

111 Still Unbroken

112 Rough Day at the Office

The New User and Storytelling categories are not up for open voting.
Re-Purposed Category -- with Notes on what was re-purposed
Carrara Category
Toon Category
PA Category
No discussion in this thread. Please take all discussion to the Main It's Raining Men Thread in the commons.