Personal reminder "Tip" file creator

I am hoping someone smarter than me would please give those of us with short memories and or large content libraries a way for us to easily create "Tip" files within the content folders. Here is an example; a content creator creates add ons for an article of clothing created by another artist. The add ons require the original article be loaded before the add ons will load. What I am hoping for is a tool that will quickly add a "Tip" so I can make a note in the add on folder that will remind me where to look for the required original item.

I have already discovered that I can create my own "info.png" and "info.tip.png" files and rename a "info.duf" file to make this work. I am starting to do this in a temp folder and then manually copy the "Tip" files into the content folder.

It would be really cool if this was something that could be added by right clicking on an items folder.

Thanks in advance. 

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