Hair joints/bones not in the correct place

vaaernvaaern Posts: 81


I've been struggling with this issue for a while. I use this product to make my character a bunch more muscular and tall ( but everytime I use one of the morphs (the one to make them taller) it seems to move the joints/bones in the hair. I'm not sure how to properly fix it. I managed to fix for another haircut with a ponytail, but this one seems to be affect the entire hairpiece. In the picture you can see that the hair kinda fits the head, but the joints/bones are way down. I don't know how to properly move them up and keep them there.

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  • Custom bones won't automatically follow the adjustments to the base figure, you would probably need to use the Joint Editor tool to move their centre points.

  • vaaernvaaern Posts: 81

    Woops, I kinda forgot I posted this with all the madness going on around me. I tried doing that but it wouldn't work, but then I found out that I just needed to move them seperatly for them too move. A bit of guessing work but now I think I've got it. Thanks for the answer and sorry for the late reaction.

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