Progressively worse performance as more characters are added to the scene

I'm adding about 6 characters total and each time I add an additional one the performance I see onscreen just in the editor degrades. By the time I hit 6 I get stutter when I move the camera and any attempt to render promptly crashes Daz. each character has a full outfit from the Daz store.

Specs as follows:

RTX 3080

i5 9600k


Daz and files are currently installed on my HDD would moving everything to an SSD have a more than nominal improvement? Google has not given me anything that has worked so far.


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    A few things:

    6 characters is a lot of characters if you're not optimizing with something like Scene Optimizer, low-rez textures, etc.  It's a lot of geometry, esp if HD, if dressed, and if they're not bald, and, more importantly, a LOT of textures.  I imagine there's some environment involved, too?

    Preview render is not influeced by disk speed, however swapping to pagefile due to lack of RAM will slow things down if you're using an HDD as compared to an SSD.  Which leads us to the next point:

    Get more RAM.  Rule of thumb is to have double the amount of RAM compared to VRAM. 16 Gb is well below that, and you're likely swapping to the pagefile a lot.

    Are we talking texture shaded or Iray preview?  How much of your video card's memory is being used?  Get GPU-Z or MSI Afterburner or look at Task Manager to see.  Also look at how much system memory Daz Studio is using.  If you exceed your video card's capacity, even your Iray preview will get dumped to CPU and that will slow your whole system down.


  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Is the gpu driving the viewport? It's your preferences menu.

  • What is the Display Optimisation setting in Edit>Prefrences (Daz Studio>Preferences on a Mac) in the Interface tab?

  • Thanks for the advice. I get stutter in the texture shaded with lots of characters, when swapping to Iray preview I get stutter with one character, clothes and no environment (but no scene optimising). Display optimisation setting is best. I can't find whether my display is driving the viewport but I set it to only the GPU in the advanced settings under render settings for both photoreal and interactive modes.
    The main problem is that whatever is causing it is also causing it to crash on larger scenes (typically with a DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module error or the following: DAZStudio.exe caused UNKNOWN_ERROR in module "C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll" at 0033:00000000FAF6D759, RaiseException()+105 byte(s))

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