Atten: the-management re: Ravenskull court.

edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

Just bought it and love it. It's presently being turned into a 'Frankenstein' lab with the addition of lots of equipment. A setting sunscape with lots of deep reds and oranges will complete the scene (Bob giggles maniacally).
I enjoyed the back story to the building and would encourage you to possibly add other rooms to the collection.
Do you have plans to release a version depicting the architecture when it was in good repair? I believe that this would make a fitting add-on to the product. I'm sure that you're aware that many vendors release both new and decrepit versions of their buildings.
...oh ya, you should include a text file in the folder with your email so that one doesn't have to resort to this sort of thing to contact you.
Thanks muchly,
....a burgeoning evil genius.


  • edited December 1969

    That's disappointing. It's been a week with no reply and the people who replied to an email to Daz blew me off with some marketing mumbo-jumbo.
    I guess they have no desire to create loyal customers by making personal connections with them. There are a (very) few artists here who have the courtesy to reply when I send them comments on the products I buy. They make their emails available either here or in a text file in the product. It doesn't surprise me that the file sharing sites do such a thriving business, even I might be driven to them out of spite after being ignored.
    A customer who understands marketing and building customer loyalty.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    You could alwasy post a query to the PAs own thread about the product

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks a bunch for the link but why doesn't his name, 'the-management' link to his thread? I shouldn't have to post in the forum to contact a content creator, clicking on their name should take me to his PM link or (as in this case) his thread.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Many PAs have a different Forum name to their PA name. This often happens when the PA name is that of a group, rather than an individual PA, with just one of the group actually posting to the forums.

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