Round ball inside DS

Can anyone tell me the right settings to get a round ball with crisp sharp lines from the primitives inside DS? Can't seem to find the right settings to get it perfectly round.
I get all sorts of shapes from the spheres depending on the settings but none if it is round like a ball.  I'm a total nitwit on this, so clear explanation on the settings would be greatly appreciated.



  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    First thing to do is create a sphere with more than the base 12 sides and 12 divisions.  20 should be plenty, unless it's bigger than like a basketball.

    Then select the sphere and Edit>Object>Geometry>Convert to SubD.  This will simulate more geometry.  If that's not smooth enough, create a new sphere and select more sides and divisions.

  • Thank you very much Sevrin, that worked for me :D

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