New computer crashes on anything but the simplest render

I'm not particularly great with specs and techs, so I could use some advice. I recently upgraded my computer from my seven year old thing to a new build. But now scenes that I used to be able to render (even though they took several hours) crash DS 4.15.

Anything with more than a couple of figures or any kind of environment. This shouldn't be happening. I've tried several things recommended on forums, but nothing helps.

Any advice to fix this would be much appreciated!

PC specs:

Processor: AMD Ryzen 2600 Six Core, 3.40 GHz


GeForce GTX 1660


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    Did you build it yourself? Or is this an "Off the Shelf" PC?

    Try using the "Studio" driver from nvidia.The newest game drivers tend to cause issues. Studio driver 460.89 is working fine for me.

    You might need to post a log file so others can see what's actually going on to be able to help more.

  • What was the old GPU? If it had more RAM it might well have been able to handle bigger scenes.

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