Dforce Issue Need Help

Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

I can't use dforce, mind you I have a much older computer which is probably causing the problem. I got a message and have no clue what it means. Any help would be appreciated to explain this. I attached an image of the message I got. You have to open in a new tab or something to see the whole thing, basically telling me a valid openCL 1.2 devince could not be found.

dorce problem.PNG
377 x 94 - 8K
Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on


  • OpenCL is the system used to process the dForce clothing. Most GPUs should offer at least OpenCL 1.2, though I think some Macs may be problematic. If you have an Intel CPU you may be able to use the Intel CPU driver for OpenCL. See https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/203081/dforce-start-here#latest

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    If I'm understanding this correctly I should already have openCL 2.2  or 2.3 can't really remember which, since I needed it back when I had the first Daz 4, now I'm wondering what happened to it. I do have and Intel CPU, with a Radeon graphics card.

    Does the image below give you the information you need or do you need more?


    557 x 349 - 43K
  • DS has always needed a minimum version of OpenGL (for drawing to the screen), OpenCL is more like CUDA, a way of using the device for calculation, and dForce is - I think - the first time the core application has had an OpenCL requirement (LuxRender, via Reality or Luxus, used OpenCL).

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited January 2021

    Ok thanks Richard and also asked my son in law about it when he dropped by a couple hours ago, he can't explain why it's no longer on my computer either but to go ahead and install it.

    Well that's a total bust, I can't make any sense out of the website I'm lead to, I don't know what to download, going to see if my son in law can do a share screen and get this done.

    Also I think I have been confusing OpenGL with OpenCL.

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • OpenCL should be installed with the GPU driver. If you need the Intel CPU driver it's given in the dForce Start Here thread

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    Ok I think I see what you're talking about for the CPU, have this page and the other one bookmarked, my son in law is going to take care of this for me, to make sure it's done correctly.

    I just hope I don't end up with some error telling me my computer is too old....lol

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