rendering transparency & midground / background

When I render a figure wearing semi-transparent hair, i expect to see some part of the scalp showing through the hair.  instead, i see the background / grey checkered pattern.  i've tried with different rendering engines and playing with 'opacity' and 'two-sided light', but none of these settings seem to improve the situation.  What would the more experienced users here suggest?


thank you




  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    A sample image would help.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Make sure you are only selecting the hair and not the skullcap too.

  • wallacechris500wallacechris500 Posts: 13
    edited January 2021

    sample images:  ; (rt-click & view the images)

    Victoria 8 wearing 'librarian hair', colored brown.

    Viewport, openGL render engines - same results.




    in first image, she's without a backgrund.  I tried iray and 3delight color schemes, and neither one changes this.  The other engines do improve, but it takes too long.


    In the second image, she has a white primitive cube behind her / over her right shoulder.


    Thank you for your responses.



    Post edited by wallacechris500 on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    So looked into this and there is some weirdness, but it was hard to see in those examples on Imgur

    First to fix the link (removing the trailing garbage) Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Iray Render Character with hair and clothes against a white background lit by DS spotlights.

    Viewport Texture-shaded render

    What you're getting

    There's something really weird going on with opacity in 4.15.  This isn't normal.  Opacity maps and settings should affect the surfaces they're applied to, not everything in the scene.  There's other stuff like zero-opacity stuff casting shadows, and zero-opacity stuff showing up generally where it's not supposed to.

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