Corrective shape morph

I have a custom G8F morph I made that needs a corrective morph on the eyelids when they're closed. Making it isn't the problem, but I can't figure out exactly how to have that morph trigger only when the full G8F morph is active and only when the eyes are closed. In other words, if I were to have my full morph loaded and close the eyes, I want to be able to dial back down to the default G8F without the eyes opening while also dialing out the corrective morph.

I know that ERC Freeze is probably involved somehow, but I'm unclear on the procedure for something like this.


  • When using ERC Freeze you want your morph as the controller and the eyes closed selected for Attenuate By.

  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101
    edited January 2021

    Wouldn't that affect the eyes regardless? That seems to only account for two of the dials, not all three. It sounds like that will make the corrective morph work even when G8F is in the default shape.

    Post edited by gmm2 on
  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101

    Update: I found out what I need is an MCM. I followed the instructions on how to make one and got it working exactly how I want, even if I'm not 100% sure what exactly I did. But now the issue is that it won't work again on a new figure. I saved out the corrective morph like any other morph.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited January 2021

    What was the ERC link set to save with, in its Attributes in the Property Hierarchy?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101
    edited January 2021

    The instructions I found said to put what (in my case) was the Eyes Closed dial in the 2nd stage controller slot of the corrective morph. The weird thing is I did that initially and it didn't work, but then it just... did; I don't know if I accidentally dragged something else in later or not. After making sure that was working, I saved out the corrective morph with those settings.

    Post edited by gmm2 on
  • The ERC is saved with one of the properties involved. If it wasn't set to save with your morph, and you hadn't saved the updated other morph/property, then it will have been lost on reload.

  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101
    edited January 2021

    So if I follow the same process again, what exactly would I need to do to save it properly? That's what I'm not clear on.

    Edit: Never mind, I found the Save With option in the hierarchy window. I'm testing it now.

    Post edited by gmm2 on
  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101

    After some more tries and following different sets of instructions, I'm unable to replicate what I had before. I know I was able to get it working correctly last night, but now I can't. I swear I've tried all combinations of ERC Freezing different dials, but nothing is working. I can't even get back to what I had to try saving again.

  • I still say you need the shape applied and the eys closed, then use ERC Freeze on the shape (which will be the user-facing file) with the eye closed being the Attenuate By property.

  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101
    edited January 2021

    Richard Haseltine said:

    I still say you need the shape applied and the eys closed, then use ERC Freeze on the shape (which will be the user-facing file) with the eye closed being the Attenuate By property.

    I appreciate all this info, but this isn't clear enough for me to understand what to do. I just tried this and DAZ locked up and crashed when I did the ERC Freeze, so I clearly did something wrong.

    When I'm in the ERC Freeze window for the shape, what do I choose under the Attenuate section? What do I pick for Mode and Node? Property I get, even if it's hard to find things. In the Freeze Properties section, which things do I select? There's a bunch of eyelash stuff, the eyes closed dial, and my custom morph.


    I followed this again and got it to not crash. When ERC Freezing the corrective morph, I used:

    Mode: Controller

    Node: Genesis 8

    Attenuate checked

    Property: Eyes Closed

    Nothing selected under Freeze Properties.


    The result is not what I want. There are still two issues:

    1. When the FBM is dialed in and the eyes are closed, the corrective morph will not dial out when then FBM is dialed out. The eyes still stay closed, which is good.

    2. The corrective morph still activates when I close the eyes on the default G8F. Not what I want.


    Post edited by gmm2 on
  • You pick the morph your correction is correcting.

  • gmm2gmm2 Posts: 101

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You pick the morph your correction is correcting.

     I did the exact same process as previously, except this time I checked my FBM in Freeze Properties.

    It's even worse now. Now when I move the Eyes Closed dial, the entire FBM dials out.

    I want to thank you for all your time helping with this, Richard, but this is getting to be more trouble than it's worth. I'll try to find a way to modify my morph's original geometry instead to account for the closed eyes.

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