New Story Idea - The Beginning

So this is the first "page" so to say of a story that I will be building up over time. The idea isn't entirely developed, but it's something that's been brewing for a while. I was getting a little confused on how to make the text box, so I just broke back down to use that Windows Paint. 

What do you think? 

What could I do that could make this better? 

First Scene - 1.2.png
1220 x 825 - 1M


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,771

    I will suggest Blambot fonts to give it that GraphicNovel / comicbook feel.  They have both free and pay options.


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,771

    And have a look at this thread  it offers ideas advice and suggestion.

    Feedback too if you post stuff.

  • So I posted it on FB as well, and this is some of the feedback that I got on it for what I could do to it to make it better - 

    - More contrast in the green area; to show greater depth and that show sunlight on trees

    - More variability (different types of trees)

    - Some one or two moss covered dead treas cause forests have living and dead branches in them as well

    - maybe more space between the trees

    I'm going to start working on it to see what I can find/do in terms of what they're asking about. And I will also look into Blambot and the thread. Thanks! 


  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,110

    I second the suggestions to find better fonts. NEVER, ever, use MS Comic Sans for your comic books! :D

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,125
    edited January 2021

    'laid' is the past tense of 'to lay', which is a transitive verb ('lay the tablecloth on the table, please.')  The past tense of 'to lie' (to be or become horizontal, among other things) is 'lay'.  So, the heat from the sun's blaze _lay_ upon the lush forest.   I am not sure I would refer to the 'sun's blaze' myself, but that's style, not grammar.

    You might consider investing $30 at for ComicLife 3.


    Post edited by Ostadan on
  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,110

    Ostadan said:

    'laid' is the past tense of 'to lay', which is a transitive verb ('lay the tablecloth on the table, please.')  The past tense of 'to lie' (to be or become horizontal, among other things) is 'lay'.  So, the heat from the sun's blaze _lay_ upon the lush forest.   I am not sure I would refer to the 'sun's blaze' myself, but that's style, not grammar.

    You might consider investing $30 at for ComicLife 3.


    Maybe these poses will be used in the comic?

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