My first post: Max for Ryan 7 Portrait, rendered using Iray :)

in Art Studio
Hi folks!
First time posting here. After gotten a new computer with good specs, trying to flex some rendering muscles.
Hope to get your opinion on this render :)

Max for Ryan 7 Black Skin Portrait 3.png
1000 x 1300 - 1M
Cute! Nice basic portrait lighting.
Is it possible that his eye sockets are untextured?
His hair is a little overstyled for a kid that young :)
Thanks Hylas :)
You mean the eye sockets look too white, or the reflections on them are too big? I took the one that the Max asset has:
Yeah, I think I need to do something about the hair, or use a more "normal" hair. Thanks for the feedback!
Sorry, the link does not seem to be working.
Use this one instead:
A nicely lit portrait :)
The little surface on the inside corner of the eyes looks white or grey on your portrait. It looks reddish-brown on the promo pictures. The surface is called eye socket in DAZ.
Ah, got it. Somehow I missed that.
Thanks! :)