GOZ - sending back to DAZ

I send my figure from DAZ3d to zbrush no problem but when I send it back via GOZ it launches DAZ3d again and open the object in a new window.
It has occasionally opened the DAZ update object window from within Zbrush and then success but lately no joy.
This is driving me crazy, maybe its a pathway problem or its not finding the morph folder but I'm not sure how to fix this.
Any help really appreciated
In ZBrush go to Preferences>GoZ>Path to DAZ Studio 4 and make sure it is correct, things to watch are 64/32 bit versions and, though this is unlikely to affect a new user, release and Public Beta versions.
Thanks for the reply
My desktop shortcut goes to "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe
and goz in zbrush points to C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe
Both windows say version 64bits
Every time I launch DAZ from my desktop it opens in a new window and I can have many new windows open. if that helps
I just checked both daz and zbush launchers in my system and I am not using "run as administrator"
Would this affect anything?
The update existing option is grey-ed out evry time I send back to daz
OK last thing.
I created a simple six sided box and imported into daz.
I sent it from daz to zbrush and immediately sent it back to daz (in a new window(
What was a cube now appears as a 24 polygon ball.
I also exported the cube in zbush to cinema4d and the cube stayed a cube.
So something is going on when I export from zbrush to daz which is subdividing objects.
Am I missing something here.
Any helps please.
Hi, I don't know if you got your problem resolved. But I had this happen to me just now and it was because I wasn't porting over the DAZ figure at it's lowest sub division level. Try that and see if you still have a problem.