Skin builder

Hi I was thinking of buying skin builder for g8f and was  wondering if it  works on 8.1 if not,  it would be a nice product to get for her  and adding some wrinkles for wrinkeled skin effects ( face, chest as well the rest of  the body) to the product would be cool as well.


  • SquishySquishy Posts: 460

    It works on the geometry for G8.1F but with the UV map used by G8 - this is something you have to really examine with a microscope to appreciate, you can load G8.0 textures onto 8.1 and it works fine. Skin Builder is a really phenomenal value and produces skin textures at least as good as, or better than, anything I've ever paid money for over many years of buying and using DAZ/Poser content. Far and away the best single product I ever got aside from the core software and character meshes.

    750 x 910 - 135K
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