Full head morphs for genesis 2 female?

IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
edited December 1969 in New Users

Hi, I need to modify the proportions of all the head no just the face. I have head morphs for genesis 2 female, but do not have the option to change the whole head. I mean the shape of the skull , temples . The figure used is Genesis 2 female . Is there any product that can help me? Are there more morphs for feet genesis 2 female?


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    This morph package contains a few morphs for the feet : http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-2-female-body-morphs

    ◦Feet Arch
    ◦Feet Thickness
    ◦Foot Length
    ◦Foot Length Left
    ◦Foot Length Right

    If you already have this bundle : http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-2-female-head-morphs

    It says on the Product Page :

    This enormous collection of morphs will help you take advantage of all that Genesis 2 has to offer with customization options that target each part of the body. 3D graphic design features include earlobes, ears, eyes, eyelashes, pupils, face, brows, cheeks, chin, jaw, mouth and nose.

    If you just want to change the shape of the skull, I think you would need to do that yourself in a modelling package, and import the result to create your own morph. You can scale the Head to some extent using the Scale sliders in the Parameters pane.

    Have you tried Hexagon or even Sculptris? Have you looked for free user made morphs on ShareCG?
  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for you answer. There are not morphs for head In ShareCG. I Try with Sculptris, but When I import into daz , bones are misalignedt. I really need a professional solution.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    The simplest way would be to use Hexagon, as it has a Bridge from DAZ Studio to Hex.

    You send the model to Hex using the bridge, alter the shape of the skull, send it back to DS, and Morph Loader Pro will create a morph slider for your mesh changes. There is no simpler way that I know of.

    Any modelling package should do of course, even Sculptris.

    How did you use Sculptris. The way you should use it, it to export G2F as a Wavefront OBJ file, make you changes in Sculptris, and then load the changed OBJ back into DAZ Studio using Morph Loader so that a morph can be created. I haven't done this for a long time, but you would need to export/import at the same scale, and make sure that you have not added or removed any vertices, the vertex count MUST remain the same.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210

    Finally I bougth hexagon, but when I use the brushes, the soft crashes. LOL

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    What Operating System are you using, and what exactly are you doing when it crashes?

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210

    Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bits. Use smooth brush in figure.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    The only thing that I can think of at the moment, is to reset your preferences in Edit > Prefences to default, that can often help.   Also, increase the number of 'Undo' in Preferences, change the display in Preferences > 3D Display > Advanced > to No Optimization.

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