Shirt used in dforce Neroli Hair promo

dissentrixdissentrix Posts: 70
edited April 2021 in Product Suggestions

Well, since my other thread concerning polyester didn't get any replies, and there was this other question in it, I might as well ask it in a separate thread. I'm wondering what's the shirt/jacket used in the promo images for dforce Neroli Hair for G8F? It's not written down there.


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  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    LOL! For a second I thought you were asking about a hairshirt. I was very confused about why anyone would want to make a render with a shirt that is so uncomfortable, you use it to punish yourself. 

    (no idea about the flannel, sorry)

  • Lol, thanks, I changed the title so it's a little bit clearer

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