Help with Luxus plugin for DAZ

IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
edited December 1969 in New Users


I have trouble using Luxus. Recently I bought it, and as described in the manual, I indicate the folder of the LuxRender instalation. When I click in renderbutton, It just open a window with LuxRender with nothing in it. In DAZ studio, luxus Console opens and says it is exporting, but at the end only opens a window deLuxrender with nothing in it. I have noticed that while export to DAZ LuxRender is, tells me that DAZ has failed to save the image. That has something to do? Because sometimes the program has difficulty saving files to disk .duf too. I hope you can help me.


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    Try using the LuxGUI instead of the Console, it gives you a lot more control as the render goes on and it's a lot easier to see what's actually happening. There's a log page that gives the same info that's in the console, if you need it.

    The LuxGUI is one of the first options in Render Settings, just below where you select Luxus and where you set the path to the actual LuxRenderer program.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    Hi, thanks for the answer. It is activate. When I click In render button, DAZ shows the console. Then, one empty window of Luxrender appears. Its all, nothing happens.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    Hmm... if you have the LuxGUI coming up, do you see the numbers changing at the bottom of the window? (These are the statistics to let you keep track of render progress.) If these are changing, then the render is actually running.

    Do you have any objects between the lights in the scene and whatever the camera's looking at? This includes things like skydomes, they can't be set to allow light to pass through as they can in ordinary 3Delight renders. If this happens, then you will get a "blank" picture, because no light is reaching the camera.

    Note that this is very easy to do if you light your scene as if it were for 3Delight — LuxRender pretty much requires you to re-learn how to set up lighting.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    Now try what you say but still not working. I will here step by step what I do , to see if I need to do something.

    1.- I open a preset scene .

    2.- I got to render.

    3. Active Luxus

    4. I ​​give click in render

    5. Console -Shows

    6. LuxRender empty window appears.

    That's it, nothing else happens . The console disappears before LuxRender window appears.

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  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    That's weird, I've never seen the render just fail to start before. In the message texts at the bottom, do you see "Status: Parsing scenefile" and "Activity: Loading scene" at all, even if only for a moment?

    In the LuxGUI, click on the "Log" tab at the top and see if there's anything that looks relevant to a major failure. There should be a sequence of texture setups, followed by regular writing of the current render progress to the D|S temp folder.

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    I don't have the latest version of LuxRender, but I tried the Firey Genesis 2 tutorial scene with LuxRender. It seemed to work fine. I brings up the LuxRender with 'Status:' saying "Parsing scenefile" and 'Activity:' being "Loading scene..." as shown in the first image. This takes about 15-20 seconds and then the render starts, as shown in the second image.

    Are you getting the "Parsing scenefile" and "Loading scene..."?

    Where do you have you Temporary Files directory set to on the Edit -> Preferences general tab?

    Note that the background jpg does not work in LuxRender.

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  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969


    I have trouble using Luxus. Recently I bought it, and as described in the manual, I indicate the folder of the LuxRender instalation. When I click in renderbutton, It just open a window with LuxRender with nothing in it. In DAZ studio, luxus Console opens and says it is exporting, but at the end only opens a window deLuxrender with nothing in it. I have noticed that while export to DAZ LuxRender is, tells me that DAZ has failed to save the image. That has something to do? Because sometimes the program has difficulty saving files to disk .duf too. I hope you can help me.

    This sounds more like a permissions problem than a Luxrender problem. I'd double check the folder you're trying to write to hasn't accidentally been tagged as 'Read Only' and that you have sufficient user permissions to write to it.

    The only reasons it would have trouble saving the file are either that, a lack of disk space or some bad sectors on the drive.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969


    I never see “Parsing scenefile” and “Loading scene". In Luxrender says:

    "Status: Idle"
    "Activity: Checkin log aknowledged"
    "Log: Freeing resources."

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited November 2014

    What kind of a computer are you using? What OS?

    What does the log panel of LuxRender show?

    It sounds like DAZ Studio is just opening LuxRender without passing the name of the file

    In DAZ Studio do Edit -> Preferences and bring up the preferences dialog. On the General tab there should be the Temporary Files Folder specified.

    On the LuxRender window do File -> Open... and go to the temporary file folder used by DAZ Studio. You should find a .lxs file there. Open it and see if it the render then starts or you get some error message.

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  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    Luxrender log display:

    “Status: Idle”
    “Activity: Checkin log aknowledged”
    “Log: Freeing resources.”

    Is a desktop PC. Intel Core 2 Duo, 3GB RAM. Windows 8.1. I have twice changed the temp folder. I do not think a thing of the operating system because all other programs access to folders without problems. It seems to be a problem for DAZ Studio . I also run the program as administrator.

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    Luxrender log display:

    “Status: Idle”
    “Activity: Checkin log aknowledged”
    “Log: Freeing resources.”

    Is a desktop PC. Intel Core 2 Duo, 3GB RAM. Windows 8.1. I have twice changed the temp folder. I do not think a thing of the operating system because all other programs access to folders without problems. It seems to be a problem for DAZ Studio . I also run the program as administrator.

    Is DAZ Studio creating a .lxs file in your temporary file folder? If so, try loading the .lxs file into LuxRender using File -> Open ... in the LuxRender window.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    No lxs files in temporaly folder. There are tdl files only.

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    No lxs files in temporaly folder. There are tdl files only.

    After DAZ Studio has finished exporting and the LuxRender window opens, on the DAZ Studio window go to Help -> Troubleshooting -> View log file ...

    This will bring up the log file in a notepad. Scroll to the end of it. You should see a bunch of lines like:

    Loaded image SallyMaeCapTrans.jpg
    Saved image: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\d28_files_SallyMaeCapTrans0.png

    The path for the saved .png files should be where the .lxs file is written too.

    Are there any messages that look like error message?

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    This shows Log file of DAZ

    "Loaded image SallyMaeCapTrans.jpg
    Failed to save image: C:\Users\CurrentUser\Desktop\Temporales\d27_files_SallyMaeCapTrans0.png
    Operation failed
    Total Rendering Time: 11.93 seconds"

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    This shows Log file of DAZ

    "Loaded image SallyMaeCapTrans.jpg
    Failed to save image: C:\Users\CurrentUser\Desktop\Temporales\d27_files_SallyMaeCapTrans0.png
    Operation failed
    Total Rendering Time: 11.93 seconds"

    This would seem to imply you have your temporary file folder set to a location that is not writable by DAZ Studio.

    I would not have your temporary folder under the Desktop folder. I would put under My Documents in your user account or under AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp in your user account.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    As I said, I changed the folder for temporary files twice trying to luxus work, because the default folder doesnt work.It Is no my fault.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    I reinstalled windows 8 and DAZ Studio and the error persists. I'm really interested in using the plugin. It is a bug of DAZ , apparently.

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    This shows Log file of DAZ

    "Loaded image SallyMaeCapTrans.jpg
    Failed to save image: C:\Users\CurrentUser\Desktop\Temporales\d27_files_SallyMaeCapTrans0.png
    Operation failed
    Total Rendering Time: 11.93 seconds"

    If this what you are still seeing in the DAZ Studio log file, that means that the Luxus plugin is having some problem writing to that directory.

    You said there were TDL files in the directory, so I assume that you can render in 3Delight. This means DAZ Studio is able to write to this directory. It is only the Luxus plugin that cannot.

    I have windows 7 and have never had a problem like this. I have also never heard of anyone else having a similar problem.

    Maybe this is some issue with Win 8.

    You said you were running as an admin users. Is it possible these directories are only accessible by an admin user? How are the permissions set on these directories? The only thing I can think of is that DAZ Studio is running as admin, but the Luxus plugin runs as a normal user and does not have write access to the directory.

    I would open a ticket (bug report) for this issue.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Try the following. Pick a folder you know has no permission issues (As an example, whenever I use Luxus to render I use C:\Media\Images\Luxrender).

    In the Render Settings dialogue, choose to render to an Image File, you can select the folder here too in the drop-down box, or add a new 'category' by pressing the + button. Type in the name of the file as well. Now try a render.

    If this works, it means that Luxus, for whatever reason, is having troubles writing to the default directory. In either case, rendering to a specific location is recommended, since when you exit Daz Studio, all files in its temporary directory are deleted anyway, which makes it impossible to go back to a previous render and continue it.

    If this fails, look at the log file and let us know what error messages it gives you.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    I Try again in folder other folder. DAZ Studio shows "Error during rendering¡" Finaly I have an error message¡

  • ThoerThoer Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Good Morning corona,

    I had the same problem a few months ago and also tried all the things you tried. Nothing worked.
    At last I contacted the Luxus customer support. After 1 week waiting for an answer I contacted DAZ-Sales for my first refund in 12 years DAZ-Membership.
    Now I live with the fact, that Luxus does not run on my PC.
    Refunding and DAZ support was first class!

    If you come to a solution let me know.

    Best regards...

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    Thank God! I found the solution. Apparently Windows does not allow Luxus write to any folder where the operating system is installed. I change temporaly folder to another physical disk where the operating system is not installed and luxus finally works. This is the solution. Thank you for your attention.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210

    The problem is because luxus can not writte in folder with acent characters. Is the final solution.

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