Skyship Avrova promos?
Posts: 7,281
In the main promo for the Skyship, what is that product it is "docked" at, with the platform and the traffic lights?
...well, the traffic lights are either from Stonemason's Skydock.
...or his Urban Future4 set.
I know I've seen that platform but the new site is such a pain to perform a general search on as you always get that scrolling rubbish instead of just a simple page.
ETA found it. It looks like possibly a kitbash of a platform section from his Urban Future 2 set.(top picture).
Agreed! If you check out the 4th promo on the Skydock product page (on the right first row of thumbnails), you'll see the lights, and I believe the Skydock platform is shaped with an indent, though it's hard to see under the SkyBike2.
...the railing and platform still looks more like the one for Urban Future 2.
I agree with KK, definitely Urban Future 2 based on the rails and platform structure.
Yeah. The platform is narrower in UF2. Nice render all-the-same. I mentioned, possibly a kitbash? We actually do not seethe back area of the platform. If had UF2, I'd try to recreate it.