World War One Pilot's Coat

rgrinly_3c04c79a1brgrinly_3c04c79a1b Posts: 97
edited December 1969 in The Commons

OK, now that it's the centennary of the start of WW1, I'd like to do some WW1 themed renders. I'd like to try and start with the Glamour Boys of the war - the pilots They were a pretty motley looking bunch when actually flying..not much in the way of *obvious* uniforms. What I'm looking to find is a reasonably accurate model of a pilot's long leather coat ( see picture of the sort I mean). I *know* some of the various cowboy outfits have your classic western-style Duster..but do any of those have a morph to button across the chest like the on in the picture ?
I'm still working with nothing for Genesis, please. The rest of the outfit I can work up from various other outfits - like a helmet and goggles from the V4 Steampunk aviator outfit. Also - what with the centenary being on, here's an opportunity for modellers to produce some *accurate* uniforms of the period, plus other WW1 impedimentaria.

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