More Greeble cities

I like the Greeble city blocks and I own almost all that Daz has available.  I would like to see some new ones.  Most of the old collections are just drab gray and look dated.  The most recent ones are great, but I would like more variety.  Something more Cyber Punk and something more 1800's, and some Roman or greek ones.  Something similar to what they have over at kitbash/  Unfortnately those are pricey and I would be okay with that if it wasn't such a hassle to convert everything.  Also a few extras that you could add would be great too like billboard screens or lights or a rail system.   The greeble city blocks allow you to shape your city and they are very easy to work with. They also allow you to have a unique city. I love Stone Mason's work, but the problem is so does everybody else. Greebles allow you get that quick unique look that has more variety than any urban future or Urban Sprawl.  Of course I will still  buy the next Urban Future set or Urban Sprawl.

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