Team B (Mini comic/story)

junkjunk Posts: 1,340
edited May 2021 in Art Studio

Working on a short 10 frame comic.  Currently I have three images and thought I would put them all together in one concurrent story here.  I'm not going to win any awards with the story so this is just for fun, hopefully a little entertainment.  You can click on each individual image to see the Daz3D models used for each.

Team B - Pontorus

Team B - Part 1

Team A is lost!

The last image we saw from their transmission are giant green eyes just staring at the camera followed by a scream. Or at least the beginning of a scream before the feed was cut.

Those eyes... Staring... Out of nowhere.

We don't really know what we're sending Team B into but we know it will be hostile. We just have no choice. The fuel deposits on the planet will be vital for us returning home.

God be with you Team B!


Team B - Part 2

A scream echoes out amongst the eerie clicking noises of the attacking beetles.

Galaxy, the commander of Team B and the second in command of all operations, looks over her shoulder to see Hunter Sharpey down and reaching out for help. A giant beetle had just jumped on his back but he is too far for her to fire without possibly striking him.


Rushing towards Hunter she fires at the large attacking bug scraping it on the back of the head. The bug not being too phased by the shot stands up and prepares to fire a blast of sand.

Now by his side she pulls him from the heavy and suffocating sand this planet has an abundance of. Taking aim she fires once more at the bug as it lets out a series of clicks in a very high tone.

"Hunter are you okay?" Galaxy shouts as Hunter is trying to gain his balance. "We've got to get moving now soldier!" the commander barks out an order hoping to install the sense of urgency that is presently upon them.


Team B - Part 3

Rushing towards Hunter she fires at the large attacking bug scraping it on the back of the head. The bug not being too phased by the shot stands up and prepares to fire a blast of sand.

Now by his side she pulls him from the heavy and suffocating sand this planet has an abundance of. Taking aim she fires once more at the bug as it lets out a series of clicks in a very high tone.

"Hunter are you okay?" Galaxy shouts as Hunter is trying to gain his balance. "We've got to get moving now soldier!" the commander barks out an order hoping to install the sense of urgency that is presently upon them.


Team B - Part 4 of 10

With her attention on an approaching bug, Galaxy barely notices that Hunter had pulled his arm away. In a blink of an eye, and caught completely off guard, he knocks the gun from her hand and restrains her from the back with military precision.

"Lured to our planet for resources, your scanners weren't able to detect our kind. They never do" says Hunter with a strange raspy and broken voice. With his arm holding tight, Galaxy is barely able to move or breath for that matter. "Your bodies and those in the orbiting vessel will provide us with valuable proteins for our next hibernation" he continued.

She sees that Hunter has changed from human to a bug-like creature from the corner of her eye. Paralyzed and panicking her mind tries to figure out how to escape this situation. Galaxy begins to faint from Hunter's strong grip, the choking dust in the air and the revelation that the bugs will be the end of their lives.

Team B (Part 5 of 10)


Breaks the air as Galaxy is startled back to consciousness and drops to the planets powdery sand.  "MOVE!" shouts Azan as he extends his arm towards her.  "I can only hold him for so long!" she hears him shout as she tries to wake from a fog like dream, choking and coughing for air.

Then it hit her; she's the only one who knows their plan to harvest them as food for their next hibernation.  And like someone splashing cold water in her face the fog disappears.  She grabs Azan's hand and with his help, leverages herself onto the side of his augmented mobility chair.


Team B (Part 6 of 10)

Azan presses a couple of buttons on his augmented mobility chair. A humm begins to stir from somewhere underneath as the purple light of energy begins to get brighter and brighter.

"HOLD ON!" he shouts as the ACM rapidly increases its speed. The whole time Galaxy has been firing shot after shot from Azan's firearm. One bug... two bugs... three... more and more seem to come from nowhere but that doesn't stop her.

Their ship isn't too far away, but the more distance they can put between them and the enemy, the better. Night has fallen quickly on this planet and the bugs most likely will have the advantage in the dark.


Team B (Part 6.5 of 10)

As they approach their ship Azan cries out "It's Team A!" in amazement and in horror. "They're trying to gain access but their life readings are irregular like Hunters. What will we do!?" he shouts in fear.

Galaxy quickly replied "I'll clear a path! Your primary goal will be get out of here without the bugs and without me if that's what it takes."


Team B (Part 7 of 10)

The element of surprise allowed Azan to ram his augmented mobility chair into the commander of Team A; rendering them unconscious. Galaxy, who hopped off just before, was able to subdue one more of the former team. All that was left standing of Team A was her best friend, officer Lane.

"You're just in time to deliver us off this planet and onto the orbiting vessel" said the converted officer Lane with the same broken and raspy voice of Hunter. Galaxy lowers her weapon and slowly backs away, nearly brought to tears after seeing her mutated into a bug creature.

Azan, knowing his orders, punches some keys on his AMC unlatching and opening the landers door. He then quickly advances forward and makes it to the base of the steps just before officer Lane stops him dead in his tracks. Her weapon drawn, aimed squarely at his head she says "you will take us to the vessel or die". That's when the bugs, seemingly lead by Hunter, caught up to Galaxy and Azan.

Instead of losing herself to fear once again Galaxy takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and gathers a moment of clarity. A second later, her eyes burst wide open and with the speed of a cheetah she leaps and grabs the open passage with one arm. The other arm winds around Lane's left hand while she skillfully uses her bodies weight to snap it. With Hunter moving in quickly she uses the last part of the momentum to lay a forceful kick to the side of his face.


Team B (Part 8 of 10)

"GET THE SHIP OUT OF HERE NOW!!" Galaxy cries defending the platform. And what felt like the snap of a rubber band, sent the ship kicking off of the ground. Dust flying everywhere with the loud whining noises of the motors in sync.

In a blink the lander was already fifty feet off the ground and climbing. Officer Lane, who was standing on the platform had fallen backwards and towards the planet shouting in crazed fear. Galaxy who concocted the plans already, had one hand on the railing in anticipation. What she hadn't expected was that Hunter would have snapped back so quickly from the face kick. Seeing the ship lift off the ground he jumps and grabs a hold of Galaxy's leg just as the ship left the ground.

What made things worse was when Galaxy's other arm was grabbed just before she could fling it to the railing.


Team B (Part 9 of 10)

As the ship continues to climb, the pull of the thrust along with the weight of Hunter holding onto Galaxy's leg is taking it's toll.  The grip of just one of her hands is all that is preventing both of them from falling to the surface.  She once again turns to her inner spirit for guidance and closes her eyes.  

The constant hum of the ships engines becomes the perfect source for Galaxy to focus on.  A moment later her eyes once again burst open, and with the strength of a shooting star, she quickly twists her body and waste building momentum.  With her right knee she delivers such a fierce blow to Hunter's face that it creates a sickening crunching noise.  

His grip loosens and with the hum of the engines pulsing in her ears, she watches as he falls away and towards the planets surface. 

Team B (Finale)

Exhausted but still alive, broken but not beaten, frightened but no longer scared... Galaxy slowly pulls herself into the bay of the lander with every last bit of strength she has left.

The lander door closes behind her with a loud series of clanks as she rests on the floor. The pressure within the cabin begins to stabilize as vents emit an audible hissing noise. The dust that was everywhere slowly dissipates.

Azan hovers over to Galaxy after having just closed the doors. He raises his right arm rest and extends his hand out once again towards her. "You did it commander" he says as Galaxy takes his hand and slowly lifts her up.

Without replying she removes her boots and crawls into his lap not because of weakness or a show of affection. No. It's to feel a moment of normal once again. Azan simply closes his eyes and holds her as they begin the trek back to their ship.



THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ALONG!  I hope this was a little fun at least.

Post edited by junk on


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