Is there a way to keep the bones of autofit items, or do a partial auto-fit?

radiantcadenzaradiantcadenza Posts: 5
edited December 2014 in Daz Studio Discussion

Basically, the problem I'm having is if I autofit a piece of clothing that has it's own unique bones for posing, they become completely lost.

For example, if I autofit a cape, if the cape has it's own unique bones for posing the fabric, they're lost and the whole cape just auto-conforms to the body and even sticks to parts like the figures legs because it loses it's own posing bones and only uses the figure's bones.

I could get around this by not autofiting at all and just parenting the cape to the neck or whatever, then I can use the cape's posability properly, but then the collar piece's of the cape that I actually want to conform to the figure don't fit properly.

So, is it possible to only autofit part of an object to a figure? Like with the cape, only auto-fit the collar and leave the rest alone?

Is there some kind of option or setting that will let me autofit things and keep their bones? Or some kind of plug-in utility for it?

This has been giving me major problems with things like skirts, belts, and headwear and hair that have extra pose-able bits or accessories.

Post edited by radiantcadenza on


  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 2014

    I have a tutorial on this.

    You can't do it with autofit. You'll have to use the transfer utility; but it is very fast.

    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • radiantcadenzaradiantcadenza Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    Ah, So that's how the transfer tool works.
    Daz hid it pretty well in the menu too...

    Thanks a ton, that's a very helpful tutorial.

  • RobotHeadArtRobotHeadArt Posts: 917

    I was having difficulties in getting this to work in transfering Gensesis 2 items to Genesis 3.  I found that by selecting the Genesis 2 item, going into Edit, Figure, Rigging, Convert TriAx Weight to General Weight before using the transfer utility it works.  Just wanted to share in case anyone else has problems with this.

  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    I'm on, and I find the Transfer Utility crashes DS a lot. More accurately, it crashes consistently on certain products, especially when I use "Merge Hierarchies." Today's example is Sapphire Fox Hair for V3, which happens to be perfect for a character I'm putting together. AFAIK, I need to check "merge hierarchies" in order to keep the original bones, which is necessary if I want to keep the original morphs. This works fine for this particular hair when converting from V3 to Genesis, but crashes DS every time when I use the TU again to convert the hair from Genesis to G3F. Is there some other method to fit the hair to G3F while retaining the morphs? Or some Transfer Utility voodoo that will help me use avoid crashing DS, while retaining the original morphs at the end? For various reasons, I find it very difficult (at the moment) to download large amounts of data, so the canned "try the newest version" response isn't going to help me much. In fact, given that I have quite a few older versions of DS installers on my drives, I'd find it more useful to know which OLDER version of DS has a more stable version of the Transfer Utility, if any. On the other hand, if someone has experience with this issue and found that it is fixed in a more recent version of DS than the one I'm running, I'm all ears. P.S. I tried converting to general instead of triax, and that didn't work, either.
  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    Sorry for the big block paragraph, DS forum likes to eat my paragraph breaks.
  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    In this case I got lucky. I remembered SFH has a prop version that I'd tucked away in a sub-folder; no bones for TU to fail on, so I got the hair converted to G3F with morphs intact. Which leads me to wonder, how would I go about collapsing the hierarchy of a figure, with the morphs intact and on the root node, and then saving it as a prop? I've gotten much better results converting prop hairs to figures, I can't recall it ever crashing DS (maybe once, now that I think about it).
  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    Oh, big PS question. I've gotten so used to saving stuff as wearables by selecting the figure the item to be saved is fit to, that I've accidentally selected the wrong figure when trying to save something as a figure/prop asset. I'll just say that saving G3 this way takes a lllllooooooooooooot longer than saving a hair or clothing figure. And I can't help but wonder, where does all of that data go? Certainly not into the .duf file being saved as, they're usually no more than a couple hundred kb IME. I'm talking 5+ minutes of save time here, to the point where I'd rather kill the DS process and load the scene again than wait on it to finish. Is this going to come back and bite me on the rear, like saving a genesis figure as anything but a scene/preset always seems to do?
  • When you save an asset the Author and Product names in the options dialogue determine the folder names in the \Data folder used for the asset files (.dsf) - \Data\Author\Product\Item for standalones, or \Data\Original author\Original product\Original item\Asset type\Author\Product for things like morphs and UV sets.

  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    Well, I'll be. There IS a "Convert Figure to Prop" command, I just didn't see it in Edit>Figure>Rigging. Had to go to the drop-down button at the top of the Scene Pane, Edit>Rigging. It lost the morphs, but I loaded the original hair again and used the Transfer Utility to copy the morphs over to the new prop (unchecked all Projection and Post Transfer options except Morph Targets, went into Extended Options, kept both boxes checked and selected "All" in the "From Source" drop-down). Dang that is cool; a workaround for the relatively large number of hairs that crash DS using other methods (which I think is largely owed to "merge hierarchies" not playing nicely with some (i.e., G3) rigs).
  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114

    Does this still work in DS 4.9?  I can't get "Merge Hierarchies" to work in the transfer utility.  Always wipes out the bones in the target.

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