Updates - Daz to Cinema 4D

Daz To Cinema 4D Version 1.2.0
Morph Updates
Morphs Drivers are automatically being set up, this includes JCMs and 8.1 Facs System
Set up in an Xpresso tag under the body of the Genesis character
Uses Python Node to contain the conversion of Daz ERC properties to Cinema 4D
Morphs will Be renamed to match the name in Daz
Some Morph Optimization has been created; and now delete any morphs that “shouldn’t” be on the children objects. For example, JCMs for the legs appearing on the hair
Material Updates
Automated the Standard Materials to create materials that follow a PBR standard
This is done automatically from values in Daz and can see the difference from updating in Daz as well
Given new controls to control the multiplier for the Bump, Normal, and Subsurface Scattering Strength
Redshift Fixes:
Fixed Normal Map input being incorrect changed to Tangent Space Normal
Changed Normal Map level to 0.5
New dropdown menu to choose bump type (this is a temporary fix to the code)
Rigging Updates
Orientation on Joints are now Fixed at Import to match what you see in Daz Studio
This will allow you to rotate the joints as if it was still in Daz
Does not get applied when Animation or a Pose is exported from Daz
Auto-IK can be used in the default A-Pose
Fixed eye controls not being Visible for single eyes
Fixed the orientation on the Control Rig’s joints to match the Daz joints
Other Fixes
Changes made to Iterator Classes to fix Python 2 compatibility
Add an Environment/Prop Export option this will allow for faster transfer when you do not want to transfer a character
To Be Fixed
The New update will leave some issues on original Material Conversions this will be relooked at in future updates
A new control rig or IK/FK Switches will be added for a more friendly rig
Joint Orientations to be fixed on Daz Character with a pose or animation
Daz To Cinema 4D Version 1.3.0
Morph Updates:
Users are able to update the morph options before export
Added a Morph Controller group which stores controllers of every morph that is not hidden in Daz and organized by similar groups in Daz
Proper support for FACs morphs
Morphs that control bones translations and rotations are now being set up automatically
Convert morphs to delta morphs
This will significantly reduce file sizes and memory usage
General morph optimizations
Deleted morphs that shouldn't have been included on the children objects (i.e. morphs that use a logic of checking if the figure has the bone, an alias, or the morph itself on the children object)
Support for Move By Maxon Facial Capture Data:
General Bridge Updates:
Still in Progress:
Reminder: If your run into any issues, please reach out through GitHub at https://github.com/daz3d/DazToC4D/issues