Export to Houdini Animation and Deformation Rig

up4up4 Posts: 8


Houdini 14, to be released on January 15, will include a crowd simulation framework. I would like to write a script that will convert a DAZ character rig into a Python script that will be executed within a Houdini session to create all the objects necessary to animate the OBJ mesh that can be exported as it is exported via DS and make it available to the crowd simulation tools and renderable using Mantra (they have the best SSS shaders I've seen this side of Arnold). I need 1) to know if it sounds possible and 2) if I can get the DAZ Script Object Model equivalent to those Houdini objects:

* Bone
* Deform (but I also need to export the skin deform capture weight surface attributes per bone and deform object)

I saw somewhere that IK is not exposed to scripting in DAZ. Will this prevent me from rebuilding a bone hierarchy while I traverse it? If so, then could I just hardcode some knowledge from the figures I want (M4, G2) and restrict the use of the script to those?

I also read somewhere that Golaem Crowd has developed something like that for their own framework so I hope it won't be too hard here either…




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