1930s - 1940s Products Help Required

edited July 2021 in Product Suggestions


I need a little help

I’m working on a project set in 1940s rural occupied France and need some clothing and props appropriate for that era

I’ve had a look in the ship and could not see that much, but I’m probably just not finding what I’m looking for.

Can anyone help me out with some suggestions on products that would be suitable


In looking for fallowing, but any suggestions are welcome  

Civilian Clothing (male and female, nothing to fancy it rural after all)

British Military Uniform (early war preferable)     

German Military Uniform (early to late war preferable, non-SS)  

French Military Uniform (early war preferable)    

French Gendarme Uniform (Police)

1920s – 1940s Cars, Lorry’s or Tractors  

Crashed Aircraft (Preferably Allied)

British or America Aircrew Uniform

Post edited by Forgotten Enclave on


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