Manipulator Mischief

JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
edited January 2015 in Carrara Discussion

There is a problem that has been plaguing me for as long as I can remember with Carrara, but it happens so rarely that I never chased it down to figure out what's going on.

It happens when I'm moving stuff around in a scene, and I'm in the Assemble Room. I select an object, the manipulator for that object appears, and I click on one of the XYZ manipulator handles to move the object. What happens next, as soon as I select a handle to move the object, is suddenly an object behind that object gets selected, and I end up moving the "behind" object.

Does anyone else get this, or know what it could be?

And BTW, if I then select a different object, the manipulator works fine. It seems like something about a particular object gets corrupted...

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