Facial animation for DAZ chars

FetitoFetito Posts: 481
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

First of all, I apologize if there is a similar thread. This is is a general one.

1) I am able to create walkcycles via Animate2, but what I really want is to add facial expressions and especially having a character talk (moving the lips, etc...).
2) The Animate2 at I own are mostly aniblock walkcycles or combat stuff.
3) So far my results seem to be really basic and it looks n00by.
4) Is there a good way to add facial expressions within animations.
5) Are there good external programs or plugins to increase the expression of the DAZ char? (Genesis 1 or 2)
6) I want to make my DAZ char talk. I am quite disappointed of “Mimic Live” so far. The lip movement is minimalistic.

PD: I don't have Kinect.


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