Bryce 7.1 Pro - How do I place a single black frame ...

sasa Posts: 45
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Animation question , how do I quickly place a single black frame between frames containing content ? Four min . animation at 72 fps ...
Using only Bryce 7.1 Pro , Please


  • OroborosOroboros Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Turn the lights off/Draw the curtain.

    Or, more explicitly:

    1) Create a 2D plane and place it square-on behind the dotted pointy tip of the camera's field of view guide. Give it a black, non-reflective, non-specular, non-EVERYTHING color. Disable all the 'Shadows' options on it. This will be your 'curtain'.

    It doesn't even have to be very big. It could be microscopic.

    1a) Optional: If your camera is moving through space, parent the 2D plane to the camera.

    2) When you need it to obscure the camera for a frame, set a position keyframe for the 2D plane one frame BEFORE the occlusion.

    3) Go forward one keyframe. Move the 2D plane in front of the tip of the dotted FOV guide of the camera, obscuring the view. Set another keyframe for the 2D plane.

    The thing to note here is that the camera isn't the whole pyramid object you see in the main view. That just indicates your field of view. The actual 'aperture' of the camera is the very tip of the view-pyramid, so the obscuring 2D plane doesn't have to move very much at all to completely obscure the view.

    4) Go forward one keyframe. Move the 2D plane back behind the camera. Mark a final keyframe for the 2D plane.

    Then render the whole four minute sequence out again.

    Post edited by Oroboros on
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