Cyborg, Android, Robotic, bionic tubes & wires

When Daz was on the cyberpunk kick, I thought it would be cool if they made add-ons with tubes & wiring for the different areas of the body (be it human or other wise), such as inbetween the joints, upper and lower arms/legs by protruding from the calves and forearms. Even piercing from the face such as tubes going from cheek, temple or neck.  They can appear as exposed or replaced muscle. Perhaps even out right foreign material permeating the body. Cyberpunk table top books, superhero heroes from comics with implants (such as Cyborg) as well as syfy series like Star Trek The Next Generation with the Borg and anime like Akira are good sources for reference material for this idea. Some flexibility in controlling lengths and where you attach to/fro would be a nice boon.


Jacob G.


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