Render to RIB missing Shaders

arunparunp Posts: 5

I am exporting the render to RIB. I am using following settings. It is not exporting the shaders. Instead of copying the whole folder, is there a setting i am missing for exporting the shaders.

"objectName": "",
"renderImgToId": 2,
"renderMovToId": 1,
"renderImgFilename": "J:\\data\\render\\forest\\2/dzTest.png",
"renderMovFilename": "C:/Users/pc owner/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/Render Library/.avi",
"renderSerFilename": "C:/Users/pc owner/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/Render Library/.jpg",
"lastRenderImgFilename": "J:\\data\\render\\forest\\2/dzTest.png",
"lastRenderMovFilename": "C:/Users/pc owner/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/Render Library/.avi",
"lastRenderSerFilename": "C:/Users/pc owner/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/Render Library/.jpg",
"renderViewport": false,
"isAspectConstrained": true,
"aspect": 1.7777777910232544,
"aspectWidth": 16,
"aspectHeight": 9,
"imageSize": {
"objectName": "",
"width": 1190,
"height": 669
"renderType": 2,
"renderStyle": 0,
"rayTraceDepth": 2,
"openGLPasses": 8,
"useGLSL": true,
"isCurrentFrameRender": true,
"getStartTime": {},
"startTime": {},
"getEndTime": {},
"endTime": {},
"useMotionBlur": false,
"motionBlurPct": 100,
"motionBlurSamples": 3,
"motionBlurOffset": 0,
"xPixelSamples": 4,
"yPixelSamples": 4,
"shadowSamples": 16,
"shadingRate": 1,
"doubleSided": true,
"gain": 1,
"gamma": 1,
"pixelFilter": 4,
"xFilterWidth": 6,
"yFilterWidth": 6,
"showPreview": false,
"gammaCorrection": 0,
"ScreenShot": 0,
"HardwareAssisted": 1,
"Software": 2,
"ActiveView": 0,
"NewWindow": 1,
"DirectToFile": 2,
"MovieFile": 0,
"ImageSeries": 1,
"Normal": 0,
"Cartoon": 1,
"Box": 0,
"Triangle": 1,
"CatmullRom": 2,
"Gaussian": 3,
"Sinc": 4,
"GCOff": 0,
"GCOn": 1

error message
# Rendering dzTest.rib ...
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'backdrop', will use 'null'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'DAZ/Uber/light/omUberEnvironment2', will us
e 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'intensityscale' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'env_mode' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'lightcolor_map_saturation' is not a parameter of shader 'spo
3DL WARNING S2073: 'lightcolor_map_contrast' is not a parameter of shader 'spotl
3DL WARNING S2073: 'occ_strength' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'bleed_strength' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'occ_color' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'samples' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'bias' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'irr_shading_rate' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'irr_maxerror' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'maxdist' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'shadowdistantlight', will use 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'shadowcolor' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL WARNING S2073: 'shadowintensity' is not a parameter of shader 'spotlight'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'dzdisplace', will use 'null'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'dzplastic', will use 'defaultsurface'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'DAZ/Uber/displacement/omDispStandard', will
use 'null'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'DAZ/Uber/surface/omUberSurface', will use '
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe
7c1d}/shader_Surface', will use 'defaultsurface'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe
7c1d}/shader_Displacement', will use 'null'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'omnifreaker/displacement/omDispStandard', w
ill use 'null'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'omnifreaker/surface/omHumanSurface', will u
se 'defaultsurface'
3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader 'dzmatte', will use 'defaultsurface'



  • yxk03yxk03 Posts: 19
    edited December 1969

    Maybe. In the advanced panel, make sure "collect and localize" and "keep shadows" are checked. Then, you get a directory with the name you specified for the rib file, with "_collected" appended to the end. In that directory are the shaders as well as another copy of the rib file. If you render from that directory it should find the shaders.

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