Armed Virginia Sloop (info : free addon available now)
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Post edited by 3djoji on
It looks great thanks for making it you probably should put a link in your post
Thank you for your comment. I add a link
The ship is fantastic, like I already said in the other thread - just one quick question: What is this small structure that looks a bit like a cross between a wardrobe and a range with a sort of pot and a window? It's standing about midway on deck, I am including the part of the promo where it can be best seen. I always thought I know a thing or two about ships, being a bit of a sailor woman myself, but this is probably something historic that I'm just not aware of ...
This little cabin contains the compass, it has large doors to put the light into the cabin and a drawer to put the maps. it is also somewhere a desk to consult the maps In fact those can not be opened in this design.
Thanks for the fast answer, fascinating! Ship sailed straight into my product library a minute ago
Thank you for supporting me
Hi !
I purchased your beautifully made Armed Virginia Sloop and today I had some time to try it out. I am quite happy with it, it is really very detailed and well suited for close-up shots as well.
Thank you and congrats for this very nice sailship model.
Thank you, I wish you a lot of fun with it
Now. The question is whether to buy a wood strip strip plank model kit to make the 500mm long Caldercraft 'HMS Sherbourne Cutter' taking several years and costing close to £105 ([dot]htm - deliberately unlinked & hopefully not getting auto linked) or the DS compatible 'Virginia Sloop' at around 10% that cost and not taking 250 hours of intensive cutting, glueing, sanding and carving to complete.
Tough one.
The answer is obvious. Fantastic model.
Can I ask - please STOP doing models that so exactly co-incide with my interests and I feel compelled to buy. My wallet can't take it much more.
About your wishes, I promise to make more details for the same price , I promise to make huge models of the same kind, I promise to do my best as usual to please so much 3D fans .
No! No! No! [Runs screaming from the building.]
The ship looks great in the promos and looks great in iray, but trying to manipulate/manuever it in Texture Shaded mode is hard. I can see through the ship as if the walls are invisible in places. Any advice on how to deal with this?
I'd love to know too. Had the same problem with the Teuf-Teuf. I think it's due to 'Back Face Culling' and the normals pointing inwards rather than out. Can't solve the issue by using the Filament renderer for viewing either. There must be a way of turning the 'feature' off, but if so, I've not yet found it.
It is because some textures has an opacity layer. The only way to deal with it is to remove the opacity from those and, at the end, put back the materials wanted. The normals of the polys are coherent, no problem about that.
For instance, choose hull surface, find cutout opacity, click the little square and choose none. Do the same for the Apparel. After you complete your poses, go to materials section and put back the materials for those two
Ahh, thanks. Will try that too.
Did notice the same thing on hair models, and on all the ones I checked in my own modeller (through obj export), the normals point inwards towards the character and it was on those where the display visibility was similar.
Excellent! I learn something new every day.
One other question: are the sails moveable at all and/or should they be? That is, in reality, would the back sail shift in one direction or another with the wind? Not sure if you know that or not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Can I ask the draft of the AVS?
Tried it out briefly last night and saw the bottom of the keel is at the Y=0 plane. In environments like UltraScenery the Y=0 plane is the waterline. It looked like the draft is about 160cm (5ft) so I moved the model down that much to get roughly the correct waterline, but it'd be nice to confirm what it was on the original craft you duplicated. Well, I assume there must have been an original, it's SO detailed..
I used to have plans to build a steel yacht inspired by Joshua Slocum's 'Spray' which had, after he got to Australia & reduced the sail area, a sail layout very similar to the AVS - just missing the square sails which would have overpowered a single handed 38ft yacht. That was the first solo round the world trip in a sailing vessel, and had a hull shape very similar to the AVS. Spray was probably contemporary with the AVS too, and Slocum had to completely re-build it in the 1880's as it was derelict and close to 100 years old. As can be seen from the attached stress model image of a modern version of Spray, the full bow shape & long keel are common between the vessels. Lovely shape.
Any plans on version of the AVS with just swivel guns and no gunports?
Your idea is somewhat interresting. May be I can create an addon for the AVS including such modification, may be a free download from my site of some caps for the holes.
What I decided before starting such project is all the moveable parts and those including some morphs etc. Such wind effects require addiionnal morphs of the sails and the wires attached. It was not foreseen for this project but your request is interresting. May be if I create some Addons for the AVS I can include such effects.
One of the documentscontaining some drafts that I've used is the book written by Clayton A.Feldmn "Modeling an armed Virginia Sloop of 1768. It is a book but you can find this instruction manuel at
That one can may be help you
Wow. You have done one heck of a job on drawing those 2d sources together and making them into a 3D model, it is an incredibly difficult task, yet superbly done. I feel mildly niggled with myself, though - I have looked at the Model Shipways kit a fair number of times and even put in on my shortlist of kits to consider as a first static kit to make before deciding that if I ever get a kit, I'd go for the Caldercraft 'HMS Mars' kit. And yet, despite that, I still didn't recognise the model as a possible source for your AVS. None so blind as those who won't see...
Anyway, thank you so much for opening my eyes and providing such a tangible link between two of my interests. I shall look this up with interest.
ETA from the draft is 6'6" (198.12cm).
@richardandtracy : I often use better some monograph written by jean Boudriot from this site . This is the case for the "La renomée" which should be the next old ship in the list, just after the one I'm busy with (A Fletcher class destroyer).
Sounds fascinating, look forward to seeing both the nearly modern and the old.
One book I did get that you may have, but if not you may be interested in, was reviewed here: It's about the UK's 50 gun Fourth Rate class from 1650-1816, with a 1:96 scale drawing of HMS Leopard tucked into the back. The detail is amazing. [I got my copy just after going round HMS Victory, the Mary Rose and HMS Warrior in Portsmouth a few years ago. The latter ship was from a different world from the other two. The Victory & Mary Rose were obviously related in design ideas and construction. But with the Warrior, there was more iron in the engine than in Victory & Mary Rose put together. It really rammed home to me the unbelievable pace of development in the Industrial Revolution.]
@Richardand tracy: feel free to follow the design progress at my facebook pages
Will do just that. Years ago I only logged into Facebook to see progress by one of my favorite Maquette sculptors, Shin Tanabe, and have not used it since the company he sculpted for went bankrupt. It'll be back to it's previous use..
I would be very much interested in both add-ons / morph sets as well, the closing flaps for the gunports as well as the adjustable sails. Great ideas! Would give more variety, like creating a merchant ship with no guns at all, and showing the boat reacting to the wind. Will be hanging around this thread, eagerly waiting for updates ...
That is now more than a wish, I must discuss with Daz for the possibility to propose such an addons.
Check this addon at or
Oh wow, thanks very much! Will be heading over there this evening right away. Great!