What are the seting to use in export to blender in colada and FBX?
What are the seting to use in export to blender in colada and FBX?
Everything is mostly in the title.
I need both export right to have a riged Weight mapped model in blender but it start poorly.
I m doing test on the colada exporter setup and get the skeleton aligned with the geometry on my last try but the hair where betwin G2F knee so I m probably closer than the previouse atempt but not successfull.
The FBX is worst, it look like a tormented ragged doll and point to the wrong direction ( when loaded simultaneously with the colada one they are facing each other).
I didnt try anything to improve the FBX for now as I didnt get the colada right but it will be the next step to get them matching and transphere the Weight Paint from the FBX imported model to the colada one.
If there is a simpler way to get a posable character from daz to blender I m open to other sugestion too.
Edited to add question to body of post