Clothing style from John Waterhouse paintings?

Hi there,

I hope this is the correct forum for questions about products (and clothing styles).  I've been working on recreating a few scenes from paintings that I like while learning to use Daz and was focusing on a few pieces from John Waterhouse.  If you're not familiar with him, the clothing style I'm looking for is from paintings like The Lady of Shalott and Ophelia (examples posted from Wikipedia).

The Lady of Shalott

I'm not even sure what this style is because it wasn't what was in fashion during the 1890s (when they are done).  My guess is that it's what he thought the fashion would have been like during the ancient Greek and Roman eras. Some of his later stuff can have a lot more detail like this later painting of Ophelia (from 1910).

The closest I could find was maybe, but it's not quite right.  Does anyone know if there are better matches to this type of clothing?  Also, what do you call this style of clothing (so I can search for it)?  Thanks for any help you can provide.  :-)


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