First coloured photo leaked from Curiosity landing - Mars
Posts: 8,163
First coloured photo leaked from Curiosity landing - Mars :red:
800 x 600 - 365K
Oh my god... I knew it! Their witches do fly in headstand!
"brace yourself for immediate disintergration"
Somehow, this went to the wrong topic.
no curiosity model here yet
but this is cool
except my Android just crashed trying to download the Google play app!! :roll:
Lol great pic.
It would be really funny if they switched on the cameras one day and found something had 'tagged' curiosity, or better yet, stolen the wheels and left it standing on bricks.
It is an outstanding achievement though, kudos to NASA and all involved in the project.
It's been 36 years, and we still don't know what either of the Viking probes were facing away from...
...hopefully he hasn't found his Illudium Q-38 Explosive Space Modulator.
Of course right now I would love to use it on that pesky timeout function. Twice tonight it logged me off just after I clicked on "Submit Post".
"This makes me very angry, very angry indeed." >:-(
OK KK, try this. Next time you get logged out in the forums, go to your account and log out there. also check in the sotre, to make sure you are logged out there as well. Now go to your emails and click on the link in any one of them to bring you to the forum. It may take one or two ebots to get it to work, but hopefully you will get a login screen, one with tick boxes under it. Login, using the exact same login and passwird that you use to login to your account, and make sure the tick boxes are checked.
ok, I got some video footage!!!