Will there be a Bryce 8?



  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    @Chohole, very well put :)

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    Just throwin it out there, but maybe its time for a Bring back Bryce campaign :)

    I just downloaded the Bryce 7 artists guide, a 'work in progress', last updated 3 Jan 2011 :smirk: However, the one section that was updated was the sky lab.
    BTW, to help with that out of memory problem, get a free app script called LAA or Large Address Aware... it bridges x386 programs to use all quadcore CPU's and above using more than 4GB onboard RAM. It pushes some of the essential programs up into the higher processors to free up memory to working files. I upgraded my PC to 16GB and now I can work in eight DAZ victoria/genesis figures in the same scene!! I worship LAA second to Bryce itself, and it's free (last I knew, I've been using it for years).You open up the script dialog box, it asks for the .exe file and offers the option to limit the access to up to 2GB or more. press okay, and then Bryce will run like a x64 program.
  • PPKPPK Posts: 0

    I still use Bruce 7.1 and love it. Even with the "warts" and few processing oddities. David Brinnen's videos on YouTube have helped me really expand the functionality of Bryce for use in "professional' artwork and backdrops. With all that "free" training on YouTube and other forums, it seems DAZ 3D should consider a 64-bit "update". It has a huge fan base (that it won't have to build), and a HUGE training/user base (that it won't have to build) - which are the most difficult marketing questions to answer when "developing a NEW product".

    I'd say it's time for a new BRYCE!

  • Y'know gang...sometimes I just have to add a +1 to a discussion. Even though I started this particular thread all those years ago...I still want Bryce 8. I still wish DAZ would work with us to make it happen; the experience of developing Bryce7 shows that it CAN be done, and when done properly the result is terrific for all concerned. Come on, DAZ folks...let's do it!!!

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